
问题描述:有谁知道1851——2006年的全球世界博览会的情况? 大家好,小编为大家解答expo70镀金纪念碑多少钱的问题。很多人还不知道expo70是什么意思的缩写,现在让我们一起来看看吧!




地点:英国伦敦(Place:London England)



(Title:The Great Exhibition of the works of industry of all nations 。

主题:万国工业(Theme:Industry of all Nations)

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)

总面积:10.4公顷(Total area:10.4 ha)

参加国:25个(Participating Countries:25)




地点:法国巴黎(Place:Paris France)



(Title:Exposition Universelle des produits de I’Agricuture, de L’industrie et des Beaux-Arts de Paris 1855 )。

主题:农业、工业和艺术(Theme:Agriculture, Industry and Arts )。

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)。

总面积:15.2公顷(Total area:15.2 ha) 。

参加国:25个(Participating Countries:25)




地点:英国伦敦(Place:London England)。

会期:1862/5/1/1862/11/1 (Duration:1862/5/1/1862/11/1)。


Title:London International Exhibition on Industry and Art 。

主题:农业、工业和艺术(Theme:Agriculture, Industry and Arts)。

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)。

总面积:15.2公顷(Total area:152 ha)。

参加国:39个(Participating Countries:39)。

参观者:6096617 (Visitors:6096617)。

投资成本:2294210美元(Costs:2294210$) 。


地点:法国巴黎(Place:Paris France)。

会期:1867/4/1-1867/11/3 (Duration:1867/4/1-1867/11/3)。


Title:Exposition Universelle de Paris 。

主题:农业、工业和艺术(Theme:Agriculture, Industry and Arts)。

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)。

总面积:68.7公顷(Total area:68.7 ha)。

参加国:42个(Participating Countries:42)。

参观者:15000000 (Visitors:15000000)。



地点:奥地利维也纳(Place:Vienna Austria)



(Title:Welt-Ausstellung 1873 in Wien)

主题:文化和教育(Theme:Culture and Education)

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)

总面积:233公顷(Total area:233 hektare)

参加国:35个(Participating Countries:35)




地点:美国费城(Place:Philadelphia USA)。

会期:1876/5/10-1876/11/10 (Duration:1876/5/10-1876/11/10)。


(Title:Centennial Exhibition of Arts, Manufactures and Products of the soil and mine)。

主题:庆祝美国百年独立(Theme:Celebration of the Centennial of American Independence and the Declaration of Jul 4th 1776)

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)

总面积:115公顷(Total area:115 hektare)

参加国:35个(Participating Countries:35)




地点:法国巴黎(Place:Paris France)

会期:1878/5/20-1878/11/10 (Duration:1878/5/20-1878/11/10)。

名称:第三届巴黎世界博览会(Title:Exposition Universelle de Paris 1878)。

主题:农业、工业和艺术(Theme:Agriculture, Arts and Industry )。

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)。

总面积:75公顷(Total area:75 ha )。

参加国:36个(Participating Countries:36)。

参观者:16156626 (Visitors:16156626)。



地点:澳大利亚墨尔本(Place:Melbourne Australia )。

会期:1880/10/1-1881/4/30 (Duration:1880/10/1-1881/4/30)。


(Title:International Exhibition of arts, Manufactures and Agricultural and Industrial Products of all Nations. Melbourne 1880 Australia) 。

主题:万国工农业,制造业与艺术(Theme:Arts, manufactures, agricultural and industrial products of all nations )。

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)

总面积:25公顷(Total area:25 ha)

参加国:33个(Participating Countries:33)




地点:荷兰阿姆斯特丹(Place:Amsterdam Holland)。

会期:100天(Duration:100days )。


类别:专业类(花卉艺术品)(Category:Special Exhibition) 。


地点:西班牙巴塞罗纳(Place:Barcelona Spain)。

会期:1888/4/8-1888/12/10 (Duration:1888/4/8-1888/12/10)。

名称:巴塞罗纳世界博览会(Title:Exposition Universal de Barcelona)。

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)。

总面积:46.5公顷(Total area:46.5 ha)。

参加国:30 (Participating Countries:30)。

参观者:2300000 (Visitors:2300000 )。

投资成本:1700000 (Costs:1700000) 。


地点:法国巴黎(Place:Paris France)。

会期:1889/5/5-1889/10/31 (Duration:1889/5/5-1889/10/31)。

名称:第四届巴黎世界博览会(Title:Exposition Universelle de Paris 1889)。


(Theme:Celebration of the Centennial of France Revolution 1789 )。

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)。

总面积:96公顷(Total area:96ha)。

参加国:35 (Participating Countries:35)。

参观者:32250297 (Visitors:32250297)。

投资成本:8300000 (Costs:8300000 ) 。


地点:美国芝加哥(Place:Chicago USA)。

会期:1893/5/1-1893/10/3 (Duration:1893/5/1-1893/10/3)。

名称:芝加哥哥伦布纪念博览会(Title:World’s Columbian Exposition)。

主题:纪念发现美洲400周年(Theme:Fourth Centennial of the discovery of America)。

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)。

总面积:290公顷(Total area:290 ha)。

参加国:19 (Participating Countries:19)。

参观者:27500000 (Visitors:27500000)。

投资成本:27245566.90美元(Costs:27245566.90$ )。


地点:比利时布鲁塞尔 (Place:Bruxelles Belgium)。

会期:1897/5/10-1897/11/8 (Duration:1897/5/10-1897/11/8)。

名称:布鲁塞尔世界博览会 (Title:Exposition International de bruxelles)。

主题:国际展览 (Theme:International Exhibition)。

类别:综合类 (Category:Universal Exhibition )。

总面积:132公顷 (Total area:132 ha )。

参加国:27 (Participating Countries:27 )。

参观者:7800000 (Visitors:7800000 )。


地点:法国巴黎(Place:Paris France)



(Title:Exposition Universelle et internationable de Paris 1900)

主题:新世纪发展(Theme:Evaluation of a century )。

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition )。

总面积:120公顷(Total area:120ha)

参加国:58(Participating Countries:58)




地点:美国圣路易斯(Place:Stlouis USA)


名称:纪念路易斯安娜(Title:Louisiana Purchase)


(Theme:Celebration of the Centennial of the purchase of Louisiana on April 30th of 1803)

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition )。

总面积:500公顷(Total area:500ha)

参加国:60(Participating Countries:60)




地点:比利时LIEGE (Place:Liege Belgium)。

会期:1905/4/27-1905/11/6 (Duration:1905/4/27-1905/11/6)。

名称:Liege世界博览会(Title:Exposition Universelle et Internatinale de Liege)。


(Theme:Commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Belgium independence)。

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)

总面积:70公顷(Total area:70ha)

参加国:31(Participating Countries:31)


投资成本:28903605美元(Costs:28903605$) 。


地点:比利时LIEGE (Place:Liege Belgium )。

会期:1905/4/27-1905/11/6 (Duration:1905/4/27-1905/11/6)。


(Title:Exposition Universelle et Internatinale de Liege) 。


(Theme:Commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Belgium independence)

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)

总面积:70公顷(Total area:70ha)

参加国:31(Participating Countries:31)




地点:比利时布鲁塞尔(Place:Bruxelles Belgium)


名称:布鲁塞尔世界博览会(Title:Exposition Universelle et Internationale de bruxelles)


(Theme:Universal and International Exhibition)

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)

总面积:90公顷(Total area:90ha)




地点:比利时根特(Place:Ghent Belgium)


名称:1913根特世博会(Title:1913 Gent Wereldtentoonsteling)

主题:国际展览(Theme:Universal and International Exhibition )。

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition )。

总面积:130公顷(Total area:130 ha)

参加国:26(Participating Countries:26)

参观者:9503419 (Visitors:9503419 )。



地点:美国旧金山(Place:San Francisco USA )。

会期:1915/2/20-1915/12/4 (Duration:1915/2/20-1915/12/4 ) 。



(Theme:Inauguration of the Panama Canal and celebration of the construction of San Francisco )。

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition )。

总面积:254公顷(Total area:254ha )。

参加国:32 (Participating Countries:32 )。

参观者:19000000 (Visitors:19000000 )。

投资成本:25865914美元(Costs:25865914$ ) 。


地点:美国费城(Place:Philadelphia USA )。

会期:183天(Duration:183 days )。



类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition )。


地点:西班牙巴塞罗纳(Place:Barcelona Spain)


名称:巴塞罗纳世界博览会(Title:Exposition International de Barcelona)

主题:巴塞罗纳国际展览(Theme:International Exhibition of Barcelona)

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)

总面积:118公顷(Total area:118ha)



地点:美国芝加哥(Place:Chicago USA )。

会期:1933/5/27-1933/11/12 (Duration:1933/5/27-1933/11/12 )。


(Title:A century of progress, International Exposition )。


(Theme:A century of progress, International Exposition 1933-34)

类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition)

总面积:170公顷(Total area:170 ha)

参加国:21(Participating Countries:21)




地点:比利时布鲁塞尔(Place:Belgium Bruxelles)。

会期:150天(Duration:150 Days )。



类别:综合类(Category:Universal Exhibition )。


地点:法国巴黎(Place:Paris France )。

会期:1937/5/25-1937/11/25 (Duration:1937/5/25-1937/11/25 )。


(Title:Exposition internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la vie moderne )。

主题:现代生活的艺术和技巧(Theme:Arts and Technics in modern life )。

类别:综合类-2 (Category:General Exhibition of second category )。

总面积:105公顷(Total area:105 ha )。

参加国:44 (Participating Countries:44 )。




地点:芬兰赫尔辛基(Place:Helsinki Finland)



(Title:Second International Aeronautic Exhibition S.I.L.I)


类别:专业类(Category:Special Exhibition)

总面积:15.2公顷(Total area:15.2ha)

参加国:25(Participating Countries:25)



1939年比利时Liege:水的季节 。

地点:比利时Liege (Place:Liege Belgium)。

会期:1939/5-11 (Duration:1939/5-11 )。


(Title:Exposition Internationale de la technique de l’eau )。

主题:水的季节(Theme:The great season of the water )。

类别:专业类(Category:Special Exhibition )。

总面积:50公顷(Total area:50ha )。


地点:美国纽约(Place:New York USA )。

会期:1939/4/30-1939/10/31 1940/5/11-1940/10/27 。

(Duration:1939/4/30-1939/10/31 1940/5/11-1940/10/27 )。

名称:1939-1940纽约世界博览会(Title:New York World’s fair 1939-1940 )。

主题:建设明天的世界(Theme:Building the world of tomorrow )。

类别:综合类-2 (Category:General Exhibition of second category )。

总面积:500公顷(Total area:500ha )。


地点:海地王子港 (Place:Port au Prince Haiti )。

会期:1949/12-1950/6 (Duration:1949/12-1950/6 )。

名称:1949王子港世界博览会 (Title:L’Exposition Internationale de Port au Prince 1949 )

主题:王子港建立200周年 (Theme:Bicentennial of the foundation of Prt-au-Prince )。

类别:综合类-2 (Category:General Exhibition of second category )。

总面积:30公顷 (Total area:30 ha )。


地点:法国里尔(Place:Lille Paris )。

会期:1951/4/28-1951/5/20 (Duration:1951/4/28-1951/5/20 )。

名称:国际体育博览会Title:Universal Sport Exhibition (Linguiade) 。

主题:纺织面料(Theme:Textil )。

类别:专业类(Category:Special Exhibition )。

总面积:15公顷(Total area:15 ha )。

参加国:22 (Participating Countries:22 )。

参观者:1500000 (Visitors:1500000 )。


地点:意大利那不勒斯(Place:Naples Italia) 。

会期:1954/5/15-1954/10/15 (Duration:1954/5/15-1954/10/15 )。

名称:世界航海博览会(Title:Mostra d’Oltremare-Campi Flegrei )。

主题:航海(Theme:Navigation )。

类别:专业类(Category:Special Exhibition )。

总面积:1000000平方米(Total area:1000000m2 ) 。


地点:意大利都灵(Place:Turin Italy )。

会期:1955/5/25-1955/6/19 (Duration:1955/5/25-1955/6/19)。


(Title:International Sport Exhibition Turin 1955) 。


地点:瑞典赫尔辛博格(Place:Helsingborg Sweden )。

会期:1955/6/10-1955/8/28 (Duration:1955/6/10-1955/8/28 )。


(Title:H55 Exposition Internationale des Arts appliqués de L’habitation et de I’amenagement interieure)。

主题:艺术与职业(Theme:Arts et Metiers )。

类别:专业类(Category:Special Exhibition ) 。


地点:以色列(Place:Israel )。

会期:1956/5 (Duration:1956/5 )。

名称:柑橘栽培展览会(Title:Exhibition of Citriculture )。

主题:柑橘栽培(Theme:Citriculture )。

类别:专业类(Category:Special Exhibition )。


地点:德国柏林(Place:Berlin Germany )。

会期:1957/7/6-1957/9/29 (Duration:1957/7/6-1957/9/29 )。

名称:柏林世界博览会(Title:Interbau-Berlin 57 )。

主题:重建汉莎(Theme:Reconstruction of Hansa Area )。

类别:专业类(Category:Special Exhibition )。


地点:比利时布鲁塞尔(Place:Bruxelles Belgium )。

会期:1958/7/6-1958/9/29 (Duration:1958/7/6-1958/9/29)。

名称:布鲁塞尔世界博览会(Title:Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Bruxelles-Wereldtentoonstelling Brussel 1958 )。

主题:世界人口文化(Theme:Evaluation of the World for a more human world )。

类别:综合类-1 (Category:General Exhibition Category 1 )。

总面积:200公顷(Total area:200ha )。

参加国:42 (Participating Countries:42 )。

参观者:41454412 (Visitors:41454412 )。

投资成本:2530500000比利时法郎(Costs:2530500000FB )。


地点:意大利都灵(Place:Turin Italia )。

会期:1961/5/1-1961/10/31 (Duration:1961/5/1-1961/10/31)。

名称:国际劳动展览会(Title:International Labor Exhibition )。

主题:庆祝意大利统一100周年(Theme:Centenary Celebration of the Unification of Italy )。

类别:专业类(Category:Special Exhibition )。

总面积:30公顷(Total area:30 ha ) 。


地点:美国西雅图(Place:Seattle USA )。

会期:1962/4/21-1962/10/21 (Duration:1962/4/21-1962/10/21 )。

名称:西雅图二十一世纪博览会(Title:Century 21 Exposition )。

主题:宇宙时代的人类(Theme:Man in the space age )。

类别:综合类-2 (Category:General Exhibition Category 2 )。

总面积:30公顷(Total area:30 ha )。


地点:美国纽约(Place:New York USA )。

会期:360天(Duration:360 days )。



类别:综合类-1 (Category:General Exhibition Category 1 )。


地点:德国慕尼黑(Place:Munich Germany )。

会期:1965/6/25-1965/10/3 (Duration:1965/6/25-1965/10/3 )。

名称:IVA国际运输展览会(Title:IVA-International Transport Exhibition )。

主题:国际运输展(Theme:World Exhibition of Transports )。

类别:专业类(Category:Special Exhibition ) 。

总面积:50000平方米(Total area:50000m2 )。

参加国:31 (Participating Countries:31 )。

参观者:2500000 (Visitors:2500000 ) 。


地点:加拿大蒙特利尔(Place:Montreal Canada )。

会期:1967/4/28-1967/10/27 (Duration:1967/4/28-1967/10/27 )。

名称:蒙特利尔世界博览会(Title:Canadien World Exhibition )。

主题:人类与世界(Theme:Man and his World Land )。

类别:综合类-1 (Category:General Exhibition Category 1 )。

参加国:62 (Participating Countries:62 )。

参观者:50306648 (Visitors:50306648 )。

投资成本:431904638加元(Costs:431904638can$ )。


地点:美国圣安东尼奥(Place:San Antonio USA )。

会期:1968/4/6-1968/10/6 (Duration:1968/4/6-1968/10/6 )。


(Title:Hemisfair 1968-San Antonio )。

主题:美国社会文明融合(Theme:The confluence of civilizations in the Americas)。

类别:专业类(Category:Special Exhibition ) 。

参加国:23 (Participating Countries:23 )。


地点:日本大阪(Place:Osaka Japan )。

会期:1970/3/15-1970/9/13 (Duration:1970/3/15-1970/9/13)。

名称:大阪万国博览会(Title:Janan World Exposition Expo’70 )。

主题:人类的进步与和谐(Theme:Progress and Harmony for Harmony for Mankind )。

类别:综合类-1 (Category:General Exhibition Category 1 )。

参加国:75 (Participating Countries:75 )。

参观者:64218770 (Visitors:64218770 )。


地点:匈牙利布达佩斯 (Place:Budapest Hungary )。

会期:1971/9/27-1971/9/30 (Duration:1971/9/27-1971/9/30 )。

名称:世界狩猎博览会 (Title:World Exhibition Hunting )。

主题:人类狩猎的演化和艺术 (Theme:Influence of hunting in man and arts )。

类别:专业类 (Category:Special Exhibition)。

总面积:33公顷 (Total area:33 ha )。

参加国:34 (Participating Countries:34 )。

参观者:1900000 (Visitors:1900000 )。


急求初一上海世博会英语作文一篇,70到80词,要翻译!谢谢 好的追加分的相关图片

急求初一上海世博会英语作文一篇,70到80词,要翻译!谢谢 好的追加分

09年国际服装博览会,德国杜塞尔多夫展览中心,美国拉斯维加斯国际会展中心,巴黎凡尔赛门展览馆,全俄展览中心 。

德国杜塞尔多夫国际服装服饰及面料博览会 。

展览时间 2009年7月26日-28日 。

展出地点 德国DUSSELDORF展览中心 。

展 览简 介 具有 50 年历史的德国依格多(Igedo)国际有限公司在德国杜塞尔多夫展览中心( Messe Duesseldorf )每年举办两次依格多时装博览会(原称 CPD 专业女装博览会)。自2002年8月起,CPD正式引入男装内容,形成以男女装成衣为主的新的展览格局。CPD专业女装博览会也更名为“CPD专业成衣博览会”,后更名为依格多时装博览会, 旗下包括了细分主题的CPD,HMD,Bodylook和Global Fashion 4个子品牌。

上一届自51个国家的总共1,770家参展商(上年为1,780家参展商)在杜塞尔多夫展览中心展示了2,800款2008春夏季的精品时装。据初步估计,在三天的盛会中,大约42,600位国际专业观众(上年为42,248位专业观众)参加了CPD杜塞尔多夫专业成衣(女装)博览会、HMD杜塞尔多夫男装展中展、Body Look(美体、沙滩装和腿袜系列)和Global Fashion(采购)展览会。这意味着依格多杜塞尔多夫系列时装博览会巩固了它们作为德国最重要的时装展览会以及欧洲市场的中心订购和交流平台的地位。依格多公司首席执行官Frank Hartmann表示:“杜塞尔多夫再次巩固了自己的地位,它仍然是德国和中欧市场的时装展览首选地。”

全球时尚展会进一步巩固了其作为世界最大、最重要的时装展会的地位,为国际时尚界提供了专业的订货、采购、贴牌生产的平台。对来自时尚行业各个重要领域的服装采购制造商、批发商、以及服装进出口商而言,该展会是一个不可或缺的信息和沟通平台。首次参展的展商还可以特别利用“全球时尚”展览会收集德国和欧洲市场的信息,了解他们未来的客户的具体要求,并对所获得的数据进行分析。来自12个国家的380家参展商展出了秋/冬系列和春/夏系列吸引了自德国和海外采购商的广泛关注。其中最大展团由来自中国的354家公司,其次是来自孟加拉国的36家公司 ,再次是来自埃塞俄比亚的10家公司等等,参观者中批发商和进出口商占38%,生产商占28%,专业零售商24%,百货商店和邮购公司占10%。其中77%的参观才对参展的产品系列表示满意或者非常满意。80%的参观者说他们来依格多时装博览会是专程来参观全球时尚展览会的,74%时确定可相当肯定他们会继续参观下一届全球时尚展览会。

展品范围 各种女装、男装、套装、上装、针织服装、裘皮服装、晚装、婚装、青年服装、牛仔服装、服饰、浴装、内衣、帽子、围巾、面料等 。

美国拉斯维加斯国际服装服饰及面料博览会 MAGIC 。

展览时间 秋季:2009年8月30 日—9月2日 。

展出地点 美国拉斯维加斯国际会展中心 。

展 览简 介 由美国MAGIC INT’L公司主办,始办于1933年,是全球历史最悠久的专业服装及面料展览会。现已发展成为美洲市场最大、最有代表性的专业服装展览会,在美国服装业界被公认为美洲服装市场的“风向标”。 该展是美洲服装市场最为重要的市场信息发布中心及交易场所,同时也是世界上最大的集男装、女装、童装、前卫时装及服装面料为一体的专业服装类综合展会之一,是世界著名的订货性服装博览会。

MAGIC SHOW拥有近20万平方米的展览规模,每年均吸引来自世界各地的3500多家参展商参展,展出约5500个服装品牌,来自全球110多个国家和地区的超过9万5千名的专业买家前来参观及洽谈贸易。MAGIC SHOW的六大专业主题展区(MAGIC SOURCING ZONE生产及加工展区、MAGIC-男装展区、WWDMAGIC-女装展区、MAGIC KIDS-童装展区、THE EDGE-前卫时装展区、FABRIC-面料展区)完美地展现了MAGIC SHOW作为全球最全面最专业的服装及面料展的特色。

多年来,主办方美国MAGIC INT’L公司为MAGIC SHOW的成功投入了巨大的人力与物力,成立了专门的(邀请)买家部门,对MAGIC的买家进行分类:小零售商(不进口,平均订货量为每款12-36件,总计年零售量约500亿美元);大零售商(全美主要有35家,如MACYS、WALMART、JCPENNEY等,总计年服装进口量约200亿美元,平均订货量为每款2400件,总计年零售量为1200亿美元);品牌批发商(如DKNY、TOMMY、FOSSIL、LEVI’S等,总计年服装进口量约350亿美元,平均订货量为每款2400件,不参与零售)。其中,针对后两类最为合适中国参展企业的专业买家,博览会会很有效地将他们引至展会的SOURCING ZONE展区。约52%的MAGIC展会的专业买家是副总裁级以上的公司决策者;约93%的MAGIC展会客商在展会现场下单。MAGIC展会的到会客商代表着美国50%的服装贸易额。

展品范围 各类的女装、男装、童装及相关服饰配件、服装面料、家纺产品、相关缝纫设备、纺织媒体、电脑设计软件及时装书籍等 。

第33届俄联邦国际纺织服装博览会 。

展览时间 秋季时间:9月22日—25日 。

展出地点 俄罗斯 莫斯科 全俄展览中心 。

展 览

简 介 近年来,俄罗斯纺织品市场规模不断扩大,产品档次迅速提高,贸易方式也日益规范。为开拓俄罗斯市场,作为该展在中国的代理单位,我司已经连续六年组织了中国的纺织行业企业参加展会,来自全国16个省、市、自治区,取得了良好的贸易效果。很多企业已经在俄罗斯设立了办事处或代理机构。该展会也成为中国纺织企业进入俄罗斯市场的主要渠道之一。


是东欧地区最大的纺织专业展会,每年两届,分别于3月份和9月份举办。2007年春季展 。

总展出面积超过70000平方米, 到会专业客商70000人,总成交额超过10亿美元;参展 。


展品范围 75家纺馆—各类家用纺织品沙龙;内衣沙龙;针织服装沙龙;童装及儿童用品沙龙;




70号皮革馆—各类成品鞋、皮革及毛皮制品 。

展会名称 法国巴黎服装及纺织品定牌贸易展 FATEX(SOURCING FAIR)

展览时间 2009年10月20日—22日 。

展出地点 巴黎市凡尔赛门展览馆(Paris Expo-Porte de Versailles)

展 览简 介 法国巴黎服装及纺织品定牌贸易展览会(FATEX)始办于1984年。该展一开始便定位为专业的“服装定牌贸易展”,主要面对的客商包括企业领导人、产品总监采购总监、设计师等。FATEX展专业性强,展品范围广,种类全,比较适合生产加工型出口企业及专业外贸公司参展。该展是一个货源采购交易会,并不侧重宣传品牌,而是着重展示自己的加工和供货能力。


2006年11月FATEX参展商接近400家,来自于34个国家和地区,法国之外的国际展商超过60%, 主要来自东欧、摩洛哥、突尼斯等北非国家和中国大陆、香港、台湾、韩国、日本等亚洲国家;其中制造商占80%以上,供应商占5%左右,纺织设备及设计企业占15%。参观商超过八千人,其中连锁店、专卖店、超市、邮购商店等各种渠道的采购者和决策者占53%,服装设计商及高档服装企业占38%,国际批发商及专业人士占9%以上。

上海世博会英国馆资料 (英语)的相关图片

上海世博会英国馆资料 (英语)

Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. ()ur government。

has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.。

expo 2010 英语作文参考资料。

China will try its best to make the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai one of the most successful, most attractive and most memorable international events in history. 。

Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi made the remarks here Thursday at the first meeting of the organization committee of the Shanghai World Expo, which also marked the inauguration of the organization committee. 。

Wu, also member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Chen Liangyu, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, addressed the meeting attended by officials from concerned departments. 。

Wu, also head of the organization committee, said the World Expo is a great event for people of all countries to enhance exchanges and cooperation. To successfully hold the Shanghai WorldExpo is of vital importance to speeding up China’s reform and opening-up process and boosting the cooperation and exchanges between China and other countries. 。

At present, she said, the organization committee of the Shanghai World Expo should set down the action program, and carefully carry out the preparation work, including choosing the song and emblem of the Expo, and promoting publicity. 。

Wu noted the organization work should employ wisdom and strength from people from home and abroad. China will fully utilize its resources and advantages, and go all out for better design, preparation and holding of the Expo. 。

Chen, also first deputy head of the organization committee, said the holding of the Expo is a great historical opportunity forboth Shanghai and China. The Shanghai municipal government should fully understand its responsibility, embody the arrangements and requirements of the central government, and earnestly prepare for the Shanghai World Expo. 。

This will also promote Shanghai’s further development, and makemore contribution to the comprehensive construction of a well-off society, he said. 。

The World Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai from May 1 to Oct.31, 2010, covering 184 days, with a theme of "better city better life". 。

The World Expo is held every five years. 。

世博会作文:The World Expo in 2010英语作文。

The World Expo in 2010。

Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. ()ur government。

has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.。

2010 World Expo is getting closer, civilization [,sivilai’zei??n] and harmonious [hɑ:’m?uni?s] call is ringing in our ears. Shanghai is the host city of the World Expo, 2010.。

As an volunteer [,v?l?n’ti?] of the Expro.I think it will not only be a opportunity [,?p?’tju:niti] to the development to Shanghai, but also to our national spirit [’spirit] reflected in the Expro.。

World Expo has a great influence and has a long history of international activities, it is also a grand gathering of human beings. People from all over the world get together to display their products and skills, and boast of their motherland and hometown ,which has a unique [ju:’ni:k] appeal [?’pi:l], the mood is stirring [’st?:ri?].。

World Expo is a platform converying what we hosts can do and will do perfect.。

Being a glorious [’gl?:ri?s] World Expo volunteers,I feel very proud and looking forward to seeing a bright future.We must also make our own contribution to the World Expo to prove that we will go through our own hands, to heat the hearts of sincere [sin’si?] and practical action to achieve the world’s commitment [k?’mitm?nt] to Shanghai: " City, Better Life! "。

I would like to show our foreign friends to the ever-changing Shanghai and long-history China through the World Expo,doing a favor to my country through my own efforts[’ef?t].。

I am looking forward to the World Expo , and I will work with the Expo as well as growing with the development of Shanghai.。




British Pavilion - Shanghai Expo Building : Information 。

Shanghai Expo

Around 191 countries and some 48 international organisations will participate in the World Expo in Shanghai, which will run from 1 May - 31 October 2010. An important event two years on from the Olympics in Beijing in 2008, it is estimated that over 70 million people will visit the Expo over the 6 months that it is open. The Expo Park will occupy 5.3 square kilometres of land on the Pu Dong area of the city, on the south side of the Huangpu River and it will be the largest World Expo that has ever been staged. The theme for the Expo is Better City, Better Life. It will explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century, a significant period in urban evolution. By 2010, 55% percent of the world's population is expected to live in cities. The prospect of future urban life concerns all nations, developed or less developed and their people. The Expo will explore eco-friendly and sustainable approaches to human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century.。

Expo and the UK。

The first Expo, the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations, was held in London in 1851. Since then the World Expos have attained prominence as high profile international events for economic, scientific, technological, educational and cultural exchanges, serving as important platforms for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future. Modern day expos are managed by the Bureau International des Expositions organisation based in Paris. In 2007, leading British architecture and design practices were invited to propose a design for the Pavilion. The brief stated that the Pavilion had to be extraordinary - an iconic structure that offered a bold vision of the UK in the 21st Century as a creative, innovative and exciting country.。

Structural and civil engineers: Adams Kara Taylor。

Adams Kara Taylor is a progressive design led firm of Structural and Civil Engineering Consultants. The experience within the Practice is extensive, covering the commercial, residential, retail, leisure, educational, health and transportation sectors of the market. Our projects our based throughout the UK and other parts of the world, with contract values ranging from £100,000 to over £150 million. Adams Kara Taylor is part of the WYG Group.。

Environmental and building service engineers: Atelier Ten。

Atelier Ten are building services engineers and environmental design consultants。

committed to the application of low-energy and sustainable design within the built environment. Founded in 1990, Atelier Ten deliver build solutions based on the cornerstones of sustainability, environmental integrity and economic viability. Significantly, Atelier Ten take a wider role in the design process than traditional Building Services Engineers and work with the design team to integrate environmental moderation and control into the fabric of the building as well。

as providing efficient and well-integrated building services systems.。


Mace Group provides the full range of consultancy and construction services to clients in the UK and overseas. The company's reputation and project portfolio reads like a roll call of iconic achievements; the BA London Eye, the London Bridge Shard, Terminal 5 at Heathrow, the GLA building. As one third of the CLM Delivery Partner, the consortium delivering London 2012, Mace is also working for a great sporting future for the city with regeneration projects that will improve east London for years to come.。


The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is a world famous scientific organisation, internationally respected for its outstanding living collection of plants and world-class Herbarium as well as its scientific expertise in plant diversity, conservation and sustainable development in the UK and around the world. Kew Gardens is a major international visitor attraction. Its landscaped 132 hectares and RBG Kew's country estate, Wakehurst Place, attract nearly 2 million visitors every year. Kew was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in July 2003 and celebrates its 250th anniversary in 2009. Wakehurst Place is home to Kew's Millennium Seed Bank, the largest wild plant seed bank in the world. By 2010, RBG Kew and its partners will have collected and conserved seed from 10 per cent of the world's wild flowering plant species (c.30, 000 species). The aim is to conserve 25% by 2020 and funds are being actively sought in order to continue this vital work.。

Shanghai Expo British Pavilion : Public Sector Founding Sponsors。

Foreign and Commonwealth Office。

The UK's security and prosperity depends on the Foreign & Commonwealth Office work with other nations - ranging from key issues such as climate change to health pandemics. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office's global network of staff, embassies and offices around the world serves all of UK Government. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office focuses on 4 policy goals: countering terrorism and weapons proliferation, and their causes; preventing and resolving conflict; promoting a low carbon, high growth, global economy and developing effective international institutions, especially the UN and EU.。

UK Trade and Investment。

UK Trade & Investment is the UK Government's international business development organisation, supporting businesses seeking to establish in the UK and helping UK companies grow internationally. The services offered by UK Trade & Investment bring together a network of business sector specialists and support teams across England and in British diplomatic posts in some 100 markets all around the world. UK Trade & Investment works with a wide range of partner organisations in the UK, including other Government departments, Regional Development Agencies and the Devolved Administrations, Business Links, Chambers of Commerce and trade associations.。

British Council。

Celebrating 75 years in 2009, the British Council is the UK's international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. It works in over 100 countries worldwide to build engagement and trust for the UK through the exchange of knowledge and ideas between people. It works in the arts, education, science, sport and governance and last year reached over 128 million people. The British Council is a non-political organisation, which operates at arm's length from government. Total income in 2007/8 was £565 million, of which the grant-in-aid from the British government was £197 million.。

Department of Business, Innovation and Skills。

The Department for Business Innovation and Skills will promote open and competitive markets, proportionate regulation, an enterprise and innovation culture, skilled people, thriving universities, life-long learning and world-class science, technology and research.。

Department of Communities and Local Government。

Communities and Local Government is responsible for policy on local government, housing, urban regeneration, planning, fire and rescue, and race equality and community cohesion issues in England. It seeks to create thriving, sustainable, vibrant communities that improve everyone's quality of life. As the lead government department on cities and urban policy it sees the Shanghai Expo as a unique opportunity to support efforts by UK cities and regions to tap into the continuing growth of China, and other emerging economies, to benefit local economies. It plans to showcase the achievements of UK cities in urban regeneration and housing renewal, and their role in building stronger business and trade links with cities in China, through a major summit, workshops and other Expo events.。

Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs。

Defra is the UK government department responsible for the environment, for food and farming and for rural affairs. It works to secure a healthy environment in which future generations can prosper. Defra supports the building of a low carbon, resource efficient economy. The department helps people to adapt to a changing climate, deals with environmental risks and makes the most of the opportunity it now has to secure a sustainable society and a healthy environment and to ensure a thriving farming sector and a sustainable, healthy and secure food supply. This will help through the difficult economic times, volatile food and energy prices and a changing climate which all makes everyone more aware that the environment cannot be taken for granted.。

England's Regional Development Agencies。

The Regional Development Agencies are business-led organisations set up by Government in 1999 to promote sustainable economic development in England. They work with key public and private sector regional partners to increase the economic performance of the regions and reduce social and economic disparities within and between regions. Ten years on, independent evaluation shows the RDAs have a) Had a significant impact on the English economy, b) Generated economic benefits that substantially outweigh their overall costs, c) Put back an average of £4.50 of economic output (or GVA) into the regional economies for every £1 spent, and d) Produced over £23 billion in economic benefits per year during the past five years alone and e) have had a wider impact on people, places and businesses across the country that cannot be captured by figures alone.。

The 5 founding corporate sponsors of UK Shanghai Expo are AstraZeneca, Barclays, BP, Diageo and GKN.。

Shanghai Expo British Pavilion : Private Sector Founding Sponsors。


AstraZeneca is a major international healthcare business engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and marketing of meaningful prescription medicines and supplier for healthcare services. AstraZeneca is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies with healthcare sales of US$ 31.6 billion and is a leader in gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neuroscience, respiratory, oncology and infectious disease medicines.。


Barclays is a major global financial services provider engaged in retail and commercial banking, credit cards, investment banking, wealth management and investment management services with an extensive international presence in Europe, the United States, Africa and Asia. With over 300 years of history and expertise in banking, Barclays operates in over 50 countries and employs over 150,000 people. Barclays moves, lends, invests and protects money for over 47 million customers and clients worldwide.。


BP is one of the world's largest oil and gas companies, serving millions of customers every day in more than 100 countries across six continents. BP's activities are Exploration and Production; Refining and Marketing; and Alternative Energy, its low-carbon and no-carbon energy business, and employs almost 100,000 people worldwide. Through these business, BP provides fuel for transportation; energy for heat and light; retail services; and petrochemicals products for textiles and packaging.。


Diageo is the world's leading premium drinks business with an outstanding collection of beverage alcohol brands across spirits, wines, and beer categories. These brands include Johnnie Walker, Guinness, Smirnoff, J&B, Baileys, Cuervo, Tanqueray, Captain Morgan, Crown Royal, Beaulieu Vineyard and Sterling Vineyards wines. Diageo is a global company, trading in more than 180 countries around the world. The company is listed on both the New York Stock Exchange (DEO) and the London Stock Exchange (DGE).。


GKN technology and engineering is at the heart of the vehicles and aircraft produced by the world's leading automotive, off highway and aerospace manufacturers. From its origins in the valleys of South Wales 250 years ago, GKN now employs nearly 40,000 people in over 30 countries. Operating on a truly global basis, GKN aims to provide exceptional levels of service to its customers wherever they may be.。

Quotes from Sponsors。

David Brennan, Chief Executive, AstraZeneca, said:。

"On my frequent visits to China I am struck not only by its rapid economic development but also by the energy of the people and the country's rich cultural heritage. AstraZeneca has been in China since 1993 and this long-term commitment is reflected in our increasing investment in research and manufacturing, as well as millions of Chinese people who have benefited from our life-changing medicines. AstraZeneca is proud to be a founding sponsor of the British Pavilion at Shanghai Expo 2010. We believe the UK Pavilion will be a great platform to showcase and build understanding of science and innovation, which chimes very well with our mission as a global leading innovative pharmaceutical company."。

John Varley, Chief Executive, Barclays, said:。

"Barclays sponsorship underlines our long-term and growing commitment to China; Expo 2010 provides a unique opportunity to support British business interests and to foster on-going partnerships between the UK and China not just in financial services but in many other fields as our clients and customers showcase the creativity and innovation of the UK。

in Shanghai."

Tony Hayward, Group Chief Executive, BP, said:。

"BP celebrates its Centenary in 2009. The pioneering spirit that founded the company 100 years ago still drives BP forward. In our journey, BP has always sought new and better ways to do things, finding innovative solutions in exploration, production, refining, product development, supply and trading, and marketing - aiming to provide energy for heat, light and mobility for people around the world. Shanghai Expo 2010 serves as a great example for global partnerships - not only between countries but also between companies and teams of people in them. We hope that the UK Pavilion, which BP is sponsoring, will provide a platform to showcase the innovation, creativity and technology that exists in, and between, the UK and China, and to encourage global partnerships in order to address the sustainability challenges the world is facing today."。

Paul Walsh, Chief Executive, Diageo, said:。

"Diageo is committed to China for the long-term, and we are therefore delighted to be a founding sponsor of the UK Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010. Diageo is dedicated to promoting bilateral exchanges between China and the UK in the economic, social and cultural fields and to fulfilling our responsibilities as a corporate citizen. The theme of the Expo - Better City, Better Life - also perfectly aligns with our own purpose, to celebrate life every day, every where."。

Sir Kevin Smith CBE, Chief Executive, GKN, said:。

"In September 2009, GKN celebrates its 250th anniversary making it one of the world's oldest engineering companies. During that time GKN has seen many technology innovations, industrial cycles and the emergence of new markets. One such new market was China and, twenty years ago, GKN was the first automotive supplier to invest in the country. Today, GKN employs over 3500 people in China and is committed to a strategy of long term growth and investment. It is with great pride and pleasure that GKN is sponsoring the Shanghai Expo, which we hope will provide us with a unique opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to China and the city of Shanghai".。

British Pavilion Shanghai 2010 - images / information from Heatherwick Studio 2009。



英文名称:FC Tokyo


成立时间:1998年10月1日 。


所在城市: 东京都


联系地址:〒135-0003 东京都江东区猿江 2-15-10 。

官方网址:http://www.fctokyo.co.jp/ 。



10 保罗·万乔普

20 川口信男

9 卢卡斯·塞维里诺

13 平山相太

35 里切利

33 小泽竜己

24 赤岭真吾


37 福西崇史

6 今野泰幸

7 浅利悟

14 马场忧太

15 铃木规郎

18 石川直宏

23 梶山阳平

27 栗泽僚一

28 铃木健児

16 池上礼一

19 伊野波雅彦

30 森村昂太


2 茂庭照幸

8 藤山竜仁

17 金沢浄

4 八田康介

29 吉本一谦

25 徳永悠平

3 埃瓦尔多·席尔瓦·多斯·桑托斯 。

26 小山泰志


1 土肥洋一

22 塩田仁史

34 権田修一

31 阿部伸行

名称 位置 号码 名称 位置 号码 。

土肥洋一 门将 1 川口信男 前锋 20 。

茂庭照幸 后卫 2 盐田仁史 门将 22 。

艾华度 后卫 3 尾山阳平 中场 23 。

八田康介 后卫 4 赤岭真吾 前锋 24 。

今野泰幸 中场 6 德永悠平 后卫 25 。

浅利悟 中场 7 小山泰志 后卫 26 。

藤山龙仁 后卫 8 栗泽僚一 中场 27 。

卢卡斯 前锋 9 铃木健儿 中场 28 。

云祖柏 前锋 10 吉本一谦 后卫 29 。

平山相太 前锋 13 森村昂太 中场 30 。

马场忧太 中场 14 阿部伸行 门将 31 。

铃木规郎 前锋 15 小泽龙己 前锋 33 。

池上礼一 中场 16 权田修一 门将 34 。

金泽净 后卫 17 利捷尼 前锋 35 。

石川直宏 中场 18 福西崇史 中场 37 。

伊野波雅彦 中场 19

主席 原博实

教练 长泽 彻, 三浦 文丈 。

[1] Position [2] Date of Birth [3] Ht/Wt [4] Place of Birth [5] Nationality [6] Previous Team(s) [7] Career Appearances(J1/J2) [8] Career Goals(J1/J2) [9] First Appearance [10] First Goal 。

1 Yoichi DOI

[1] GK [2] 25-Jul-1973 [3] 184/84 [4] Kumamoto [6] Jonan Jr.High-Ozu High-Kashiwa Reysol [7] 305/0 [9] 01-Jul-1995 '95J.League Suntory Series 21st Section Kashiwa(vs Urawa@Kashiwa)

2 Teruyuki MONIWA 。

[1] DF [2] 08-Sep-1981 [3] 181/77 [4] Kanagawa [6] Bellmare Hiratsuka Jr.Yo-Bellmare Hiratsuka Youth-Shonan Bellmare-F.C.Tokyo-Shonan Bellmare [7] 139/41 [8] 1/0 [9] 18-Aug-1999 1999 J.LEAGUE Division 1 2nd Stage 3rd Section Hiratsuka(vs Ichihara@Hiratsuka) [10] 19-Jun-2004 2004 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 14th Section F-Tokyo(vs Nagoya@Ajinomoto)

3 EVALDO Silva Dos Santos 。

[1] DF [2] 04-Jan-1983 [3] 191/84 [4] Brazil [5] Brazil [6] Corinthians/BRA-Portuguesa/BRA-Sao Caetano/BRA-Marilia AC/BRA-America FC/BRA-Villanova/BRA-Gremio/BRA 。

4 Kosuke YATSUDA 。

[1] DF [2] 17-Mar-1982 [3] 184/81 [4] Fukuoka [6] Yanagawa High-Sanfrecce Hiroshima-Sagan Tosu-Sanfrecce Hiroshima [7] 17/53 [8] 0/2 [9] 07-Apr-2001 2001 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 4th Section Hiroshima(vs Kashiwa@Kashiwa) [10] 30-Apr-2005 2005 J.LEAGUE Division 2 9th Section Tosu(vs Kusatsu@Gumma.F)

6 Yasuyuki KONNO 。

[1] MF [2] 25-Jan-1983 [3] 178/73 [4] Miyagi [6] Tohoku High-Consadole Sapporo [7] 145/26 [8] 18/2 [9] 07-Apr-2001 2001 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 4th Section Sapporo(vs Tokyo-V@Muroran) [10] 19-Apr-2003 2003 J.LEAGUE Division 2 7th Section Sapporo(vs Kofu@Kose)

7 Satoru ASARI 。

[1] MF [2] 10-Jun-1974 [3] 176/70 [4] Saitama [6] Bunan High-Meiji Univ. [7] 126/29 [8] 0/1 [9] 14-Mar-1999 1999 J.LEAGUE Division 2 1st Section F-Tokyo(vs Tosu@Nishigaoka) [10] 04-Jul-1999 1999 J.LEAGUE Division 2 16th Section F-Tokyo(vs Sapporo@Atsubetsu)

8 Ryuji FUJIYAMA 。

[1] DF [2] 09-Jun-1973 [3] 170/68 [4] Kagoshima [6] Kagoshima Jitsugyo High [7] 160/35 [8] 1/1 [9] 14-Mar-1999 1999 J.LEAGUE Division 2 1st Section F-Tokyo(vs Tosu@Nishigaoka) [10] 25-Sep-1999 1999 J.LEAGUE Division 2 28th Section F-Tokyo(vs Oita@Komazawa)

9 LUCAS Severino 。

[1] FW [2] 03-Jan-1979 [3] 183/75 [4] Brazil [5] Brazil [6] Atletico Paranaense/BRA-Rennais FC/FRA-Cruzeiro/BRA-Corinthians/BRA-Rennais FC/FRA [7] 105/0 [8] 42/0 [9] 13-Mar-2004 2004 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 1st Section F-Tokyo(vs Niigata@Ajinomoto) [10] 14-Apr-2004 2004 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 5th Section F-Tokyo(vs C-Osaka@Ajinomoto)

10 Paulo Cesar WANCHOPE Watson 。

[1] FW [2] 31-Jul-1976 [3] 187/85 [4] Costa Rica [5] Costa Rica [6] CS Herediano/CRC-Darby County/ENG-West Ham/ENG-Manchestar City/ENG-Malaga CF/ESP-Al Gharrafa/QAT-CS Herediano/CRC-Rosario Central/ARG [7] 12/0 [8] 2/0 [9] 10-Mar-2007 2007 J.LEAGUE Division 1 2nd Section F-Tokyo(vs Omiya@Saitama.S) [10] 03-May-2007 2007 J.LEAGUE Division 1 9th Section F-Tokyo(vs Kashima@Ajinomoto)

13 Sota HIRAYAMA 。

[1] FW [2] 06-Jun-1985 [3] 190/85 [4] Fukuoka [6] Kunimi High-Tsukuba Univ.-Heracles/NED [7] 13/0 [8] 2/0 [9] 30-Sep-2006 2006 J.LEAGUE Division 1 25th Section F-Tokyo(vs Niigata@Ajinomoto) [10] 07-Oct-2006 2006 J.LEAGUE Division 1 26th Section F-Tokyo(vs Nagoya@Mizuho A.)

14 Yuta BABA

[1] MF [2] 22-Jan-1984 [3] 176/72 [4] Tokyo [6] Mitsubishi Yowa SS-F.C.Tokyo U-18 [7] 102/0 [8] 11/0 [9] 02-Mar-2002 2002 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 1st Section F-Tokyo(vs Kashima@Ajinomoto) [10] 05-Apr-2003 2003 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 2nd Section F-Tokyo(vs Tokyo-V@Ajinomoto)

15 Norio SUZUKI 。

[1] MF [2] 14-Feb-1984 [3] 177/77 [4] Chiba [6] Yachiyo High [7] 88/0 [8] 13/0 [9] 16-Nov-2002 2002 J.LEAGUE Division 1 2nd Stage 13th Section F-Tokyo(vs Shimizu@Ajinomoto) [10] 16-Jun-2004 2004 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 13th Section F-Tokyo(vs Ichihara@Ichihara)

16 Reiichi IKEGAMI 。

[1] MF [2] 12-Jul-1983 [3] 177/72 [4] Chiba [6] Narashino High-Sendai Univ. 。


[1] DF [2] 09-Jul-1976 [3] 173/72 [4] Saitama [6] Bunan High-Kokushikan Univ.-Jubilo Iwata [7] 153/0 [8] 6/0 [9] 27-Mar-1999 1999 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 4th Section Iwata(vs Hiratsuka@Hiratsuka) [10] 17-Oct-2001 2001 J.LEAGUE Division 1 2nd Stage 9th Section Iwata(vs F-Tokyo@National)

18 Naohiro ISHIKAWA 。

[1] MF [2] 12-May-1981 [3] 175/68 [4] Kanagawa [6] Yokosuka Seagulls-Yokohama Marinos Jr.Yout-Yokohama F・Marinos Youth-Yokohama F・Marinos-F.C.Tokyo-Yokohama F・Marinos [7] 136/0 [8] 19/0 [9] 01-Apr-2000 2000 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 4th Section Yokohama F・M(vs Kashima@National) [10] 17-Mar-2001 2001 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 2nd Section Yokohama F・M(vs G-Osaka@Expo'70)

19 Masahiko INOHA 。

[1] MF [2] 28-Aug-1985 [3] 179/73 [4] Miyazaki [6] Kagoshima Jitsugyo High-Hannan Univ. [7] 41/0 [8] 1/0 [9] 05-Mar-2006 2006 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Section F-Tokyo(vs Oita@Ajinomoto) [10] 23-Aug-2006 2006 J.LEAGUE Division 1 19th Section F-Tokyo(vs Fukuoka@National)

20 Nobuo KAWAGUCHI 。

[1] FW [2] 10-Apr-1975 [3] 178/72 [4] Niigata [6] Niigata Tec High-Juntendo Univ.-Jubilo Iwata [7] 173/0 [8] 15/0 [9] 25-Jul-1998 1998 J.LEAGUE 1st Stage 13th Section Iwata(vs G-Osaka@Yamaha) [10] 08-Aug-1998 1998 J.LEAGUE 1st Stage 17th Section Iwata(vs Hiratsuka@Yamaha)

22 Hitoshi SHIOTA 。

[1] GK [2] 28-May-1981 [3] 185/78 [4] Ibaraki [6] Mito Jr.College High-Ryutsu Keizai Univ. [7] 8/0 [9] 26-Nov-2006 2006 J.LEAGUE Division 1 33rd Section F-Tokyo(vs Urawa@Ajinomoto)

23 Yohei KAJIYAMA 。

[1] MF [2] 24-Sep-1985 [3] 180/75 [4] Tokyo [6] F.C.Tokyo U-15-F.C.Tokyo U-18 [7] 90/0 [8] 7/0 [9] 29-Apr-2003 2003 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 6th Section F-Tokyo(vs Kobe@Home's) [10] 29-Aug-2004 2004 J.LEAGUE Division 1 2nd Stage 3rd Section F-Tokyo(vs Tokyo-V@National)

24 Shingo AKAMINE 。

[1] FW [2] 08-Dec-1983 [3] 179/74 [4] Okinawa [6] Kagoshima Jitsugyo High-Komazawa Univ. [7] 18/0 [8] 3/0 [9] 18-Mar-2006 2006 J.LEAGUE Division 1 3rd Section F-Tokyo(vs Shimizu@Ajinomoto) [10] 15-Apr-2006 2006 J.LEAGUE Division 1 8th Section F-Tokyo(vs Chiba@Ajinomoto)

25 Yuhei TOKUNAGA 。

[1] DF [2] 25-Sep-1983 [3] 179/76 [4] Nagasaki [6] Kunimi High-Waseda Univ. [7] 64/0 [8] 1/0 [9] 29-Apr-2003 2003 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 6th Section F-Tokyo(vs Kobe@Home's) [10] 26-Mar-2006 2006 J.LEAGUE Division 1 5th Section F-Tokyo(vs Kyoto@Ajinomoto)

26 Taishi KOYAMA 。

[1] DF [2] 29-Apr-1988 [3] 177/70 [4] Yamanashi [6] Fortuna SC-Funabashi Municipal Hig 。

27 Ryoichi KURISAWA 。

[1] MF [2] 05-Sep-1982 [3] 170/64 [4] Chiba [6] Narashino High-Ryutsu Keizai Univ. [7] 65/0 [8] 4/0 [9] 03-Apr-2004 2004 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Stage 3rd Section F-Tokyo(vs Tokyo-V@Ajinomoto) [10] 10-Apr-2005 2005 J.LEAGUE Division 1 4th Section F-Tokyo(vs Iwata@Ajinomoto)

28 Kenji SUZUKI 。

[1] MF [2] 03-Sep-1986 [3] 180/70 [4] Akita [6] Araya High-F.C.Tokyo-Albirex Niigata S/SIN 。

29 Kazunori YOSHIMOTO 。

[1] DF [2] 24-Apr-1988 [3] 185/80 [4] Tokyo [6] F.C.Tokyo U-15-F.C.Tokyo U-18 [7] 1/0 [9] 03-Mar-2007 2007 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Section F-Tokyo(vs Hiroshima@Ajinomoto)

30 Kota MORIMURA 。

[1] MF [2] 14-Aug-1988 [3] 180/65 [4] Tokyo [6] F.C.Tokyo U-15-F.C.Tokyo U-18 。

31 Nobuyuki ABE 。

[1] GK [2] 27-Apr-1984 [3] 185/75 [4] Tokyo [6] Higashiyamato San Jr.Hig-F.C.Tokyo U-18-Ryutsu Keizai Univ. 。

33 Ryuki KOZAWA 。

[1] FW [2] 06-Feb-1988 [3] 170/69 [4] Aichi [6] Nagoya FC-Aomori Yamada High [7] 3/0 [9] 22-Apr-2006 2006 J.LEAGUE Division 1 9th Section F-Tokyo(vs G-Osaka@Expo'70)

34 Shuichi GONDA 。

[1] GK [2] 03-Mar-1989 [3] 187/80 [4] Tokyo [6] F.C.Tokyo U-15-F.C.Tokyo U-18 。

35 RYCHELY Cantanhede De Oliveira 。

[1] FW [2] 06-Aug-1987 [3] 173/69 [4] Brazil [5] Brazil [6] Nacional AC U-20/BRA-Nacional AC/BRA [7] 15/0 [8] 2/0 [9] 05-Mar-2006 2006 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Section F-Tokyo(vs Oita@Ajinomoto) [10] 05-Mar-2006 2006 J.LEAGUE Division 1 1st Section F-Tokyo(vs Oita@Ajinomoto)

36 Yuto NAGATOMO 。

[1] DF [2] 12-Sep-1986 [3] 170/65 [4] Ehime [6] Higashi Fukuoka High-in Meiji Univ. 。

37 Takashi FUKUNISHI 。

[1] MF [2] 01-Sep-1976 [3] 181/77 [4] Ehime [6] Kawahigashi Jr.High-Niihama Tec High-Jubilo Iwata [7] 309/0 [8] 56/0 [9] 16-Aug-1995 '95J.League NICOS Series 2nd Section Iwata(vs Kashima@Yamaha) [10] 06-Sep-1995 '95J.League NICOS Series 7th Section Iwata(vs Kashiwa@Kashiwa)




















