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城池特点 终极形态(建造终极宝物)

要塞:护城河宽,攻防小幅度增加(需要建造) 守城英雄防御+12 每周产量增加50%。


塔楼:地雷,初期很实用,但是可以驱散 守城英雄知识点+12 每周产量增加50%。

5LEVEL魔法 每LEVEL可以增加+1种 飞空艇(全地图)

地下城: 5LEVEL魔法 宝物商店 魔泉 时空门 守城英雄力量+12 每周产量增加50%。

据点: 3LEVEL魔法 守城英雄攻击+20 每周产量增加50%。

墓园:黑暗烟雾,扰乱地图视野 招魂塔 增加召唤术的百分比 每周产量增加50%。


城堡:守军士气增加 所有英雄士气+3 每周产量增加50%。


元素城:5LEVEL魔法 宝物商店 学习所有魔法 每周产量增加50%。


壁垒:5LEVEL魔法 每周产量增加50%。

地域:守城力量小幅度提高(需要建造) 每周产量增加50%,野外盛产小怪物。

5LEVEL魔法 穿梭门。
















Seven Wonders of the World,。

works of art and architecture regarded by ancient Greek and Roman observers as the most extraordinary structures of antiquity. Only one wonder of the seven, the pyramids of Egypt, still stands today.。

Several lists of wonders were drawn up during antiquity. The list known today is sometimes ascribed to Antipater of Sidon, a writer of the 2nd century bc and author of a travel book. The wonders in this list were all located near the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and, except for the pyramids, were built in the four centuries from about 600 bc. The Seven Wonders are most often listed in the order in which they were built.。

埃及金字塔The Pyramids of Egypt were built on the west bank of the Nile River at Giza during the 4th Dynasty (about 2575 to about 2467 bc). The oldest of the seven wonders, the pyramids are the only one remaining nearly intact today. Their white stone facing was later removed for use as building material in Cairo. The largest of the pyramids is that of King Khufu, which is sometimes known as the Great Pyramid. It covers an area of over 4.8 hectares (12 acres). According to the Greek historian Herodotus, ten years were required to prepare the site and 100,000 laborers worked thereafter for 20 years to complete the pyramid, which contains the king’s tomb. Some lists include only the Great Pyramid, rather than all the pyramids (see Pyramids). 。

巴比伦空中花园The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, perhaps built by King Nebuchadnezzar II about 600 bc, were a mountainlike series of planted terraces. Ancient historians report that Babylon at that time was dazzling in the splendor of its palace and temple buildings, fortification walls, and paved processional ways. The Hanging Gardens consisted of several tiers of platform terraces built upon arches and extending to a great height. Accounts of their height range from about 24 m (80 ft) to a less reliable estimate of more than 90 m (300 ft). Trees and colorful plants and flowers grew on the terraces, irrigated with water brought up from the Euphrates River. Archaeologists have discovered remains of walls along the Euphrates that may have belonged to the Hanging Gardens. 。

宙斯神像The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was carved in the mid-5th century bc by the Greek sculptor Phidias. The colossal statue was the central feature of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Greek sanctuary where the Olympic Games were held. It was considered to be Phidias’s masterpiece. The seated figure of Zeus, king of the Greek gods, was 12 m (40 ft) in height and made of ivory and gold. An earthquake probably leveled the temple in the 6th century ad, and the statue was later taken to Constantinople, where a fire destroyed it. 。

阿耳忒弥斯神庙The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus in Asia Minor, built after 356 bc, combined great size with elaborate ornamentation. Artemis, known as Diana to the Romans, was goddess of the hunt. An imposing temple in her honor was built in Ephesus in what is now Turkey in the 6th century bc and rebuilt after it burned in 356 bc. Archaeologists estimate that the temple measured 104 m (342 ft) in length and 50 m (164 ft) in width. Its 127 stone columns stood more than 18 m (60 ft) tall. The temple was destroyed by the Goths in ad 262. 。

摩索拉斯陵墓The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was a monumental marble tomb in Asia Minor built for King Mausolus of Caria, who died in 353 bc. Queen Artemisia built the tomb in memory of Mausolus, her brother and husband, at Halicarnassus in what is now southwestern Turkey. It was decorated by the leading sculptor of the age. An earthquake probably toppled the structure, and its materials were later used as building material. Only fragments remain of this tomb from which the word mausoleum derives.。

罗得斯岛巨像The Colossus of Rhodes, a huge bronze statue of the Greek sun god Helios, was erected about 280 bc to guard the entrance to the harbor at Rhodes , a Greek island off the coast of Asia Minor. The statue stood about 32 m (105 ft) tall and according to legend, it straddled the harbor. An earthquake destroyed it in 224 bc. 。

亚历山大灯塔The Pharos of Alexandria was an ancient lighthouse located on an island in the harbor of Alexandria, Egypt. The lighthouse, built about 280 bc during the reign of Ptolemy II, stood more than 134 m (440 ft) tall—about as high as a 40-story building. A fire was kept burning at its top to welcome sailors. Storms and an earthquake had damaged the lighthouse by 955 ad; an earthquake completely destroyed it during the 14th century.。


万里长城the Great Wall。

兵马俑terracotta warriors and horses。

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Zhaozhou Bridge。

The Zhaozhou Bridge (traditional Chinese: 赵州桥; simplified Chinese: 赵州桥; pinyin: Zhàozhōu Qiáo) is the world's oldest open-spandrel stone segmental arch bridge.[1] Credited to a craftsman named Li Chun, the bridge was constructed in the years 595-605 during the Sui Dynasty. Located in the southern part of Hebei Province, it is the oldest standing bridge in China, although the Chinese had built bridges over waterways since the ancient Zhou Dynasty.。

Name and location。

The Zhaozhou Bridge is also known as the Safe Crossing Bridge (traditional Chinese: 安济桥; simplified Chinese: 安济桥; pinyin: An Ji Qiáo, englished as the Anji Bridge) and the Great Stone Bridge (Chinese: 大石桥; pinyin: Dà Shí Qiáo). It crosses the Xiao River (traditional Chinese: ; simplified Chinese: 洨河; pinyin: Xiào Hé, Jiao He) in Zhao County, approximately 40 km southeast of the provincial capital Shijiazhuang. It is named for the nearby Zhao County (赵县), which was formerly known as Zhaozhou (赵州).。


The Zhaozhou Bridge is about 50 m long with a central span of about 37 m. It stands 7.3 m tall and has a width of 9 m. The arch covers a circular segment less than a semicircle and has a rise-to-span ratio of approximately 1:5 (7.3 to 37 m). This is considerably smaller than the rise-to-span ratio of 1:2 of a semicircular arch bridge and subjects the abutments of the bridge to large forces.。

The central arch is made of 28 thin, curved limestone slabs which are joined with iron dovetails. This allows the arch to adjust to shifts in its supports, and prevents the bridge from collapsing even when a segment of the arch breaks. The bridge has two small side arches on either side of the main arch. These side arches serve two important functions: First, they reduce the total weight of the bridge by about 15.3% or approximately 700 tons, which is vital because of the low rise-to-span ratio and the large forces on the abutments it creates. Second, when the bridge is submerged during a flood, they allow water to pass through, thereby reducing the forces on the structure of the bridge.。

Li Chun's innovative spandrel-arch construction, while economising in materials, was also of considerable aesthetic merit. An inscription left on the bridge by Tang officials seventy years after its construction reads:。

“ This stone bridge over the Jiao River is the result of the work of the Sui engineer Li Chun. Its construction is indeed unusual, and no-one knows on what principle he made it. But let us observe his marvellous use of stone-work. Its convexity is so smooth, and the wedge-shaped stones fit together so perfectly... How lofty is the flying-arch! How large is the opening, yet without piers!.. Precise indeed are the cross-bondings and joints between the stones, masonry blocks delicately interlocking like mill wheels, or like the walls of wells; a hundred forms (organised into) one. And besides the mortar in the crevices there are slender-waisted iron cramps to bind the stones together. The four small arches inserted, on either side two, break the anger of the roaring floods, and protect the bridge mightily. Such a master-work could never have been achieved if this man had not applied his genius to the building of a work which would last for centuries to come.[2] ”

Later history and reputation。

In the next 1400 years, the bridge survived at least eight wars, ten major floods and numerous earthquakes, the nearest of which being the 7.2 degree Xingtai Earthquake in 1966. Yet, the support structure remains intact and the bridge is still in use. Only the ornamental railings have been replaced every few hundred years.。

The intriguing design of the bridge has given rise to many legends. According to one legend, the bridge was built by a master architect named Lu Ban in a single night. In another story, the bridge was put to the test by two immortals who crossed it at the same time and Lu Ban saved it by wading into the water and supporting the structure.。

Although Ming Dynasty authors compared the bridge to "a new moon rising above the clouds" and "a long rainbow hanging on a mountain waterfall"[2], it later fell into obscurity. When Professor Liang Sicheng (梁思成) of Tsing Hua University rediscovered the bridge on a field exploration of ancient architecture in Hebei province, made detailed measurements, and published a report and drawing ("An Chi Ch'iao the Great Stone Bridge Chao Hsien, Hobei, Sui Dynasty AD 569-617, Li Chun Master Builder"), it became world famous.。

Zhaozhou Bridge was dedicated as an International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1991. The Chinese authorities nominated it for incription on the World Heritage List as having "a very important place in the world bridge building history".[2]。


You can tell your friend to google it online--Zhaozhou Bridge.。








A brilliant history left Kaifeng abundant tourism resources, particularly heritage famous at home and abroad. Antique complex group of distinct and diverse styles, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, the Republic of China and characteristics are available. Longting to, the Eiffel Tower, with Temple as the representative of the stream sites attract tourists. Today, Kaifeng have been classified as National Tourism Administration tourism focus of the Central Plains city sightseeing. 。

1. Longting Park 。

Xibeiyu in Kaifeng City, covers an area of 1,300 mu. Gate Park, including all afternoon, jade belt Bridge, North Korea door, Zhaobi, North Korea Housing, Longting, and the Northern Song Dynasty, the palace chen arches sites, Beiting, North Gate and East Gate construction groups such as the Qing Dynasty Longevity Palace, and Pan Yang Lake, Spring Park, bonsai garden, a so-called Central Plains must plant modeling, such as park and promenade Shuixie landscape. 。

2. Qingming Festival on the River Park 。

Xibeiyu in Kaifeng City, to the Northern Song Dynasty painter Zhangyiduan drawing huge picture scroll "Painting Scroll" by depicting the scene of bustling Tokyo Kaifeng, a large amusement park folk landscape. Visitors can change into Song equipment, handheld Song coins You can enjoy the ancient customs of life. 。

3. Song is the Royal Street 。

Kaifeng City, in the northbound, the reproduction is the Song Dynasty style Royal Street, built in 1988 a Fangsong Commercial Street. South from the Xinjiekou, the door to the north of North Korea, the total length of more than 400 meters. Royal Street Stroll, seemed one step on a long history of the millennium, it is full of old Song are bustling scene of an imaginative. 。

4. Baogongci

Baogong in Kaifeng City Lake, an area of about one hectare. Sections are the main basilica, the Temple, things Peidian corridors, Beiting door, 2, display the statue of Lord Bao, and copper to a Baogong Duanan wax, Baogong historical books, "Kaifeng House nomination in mind milestone," such as inscriptions. Style simple, solemn. 。

5. Big Xiangguo Temple 。

Xiangguo Temple is a famous Chinese Buddhist temple, located in Kaifeng City Centre, was built in the Northern Qi dynasty Tianbao 2006 (555). Originally named the founding of Temple, and the extension of the first year of the Tang Dynasty (712), Rui Tang were to commemorate their own phase-boarded from the throne, Ciming big Xiangguo Temple. 。

6. Tower

Tower also known as "open-Sita," is located in Kaifeng City Dongbeiyu Tower Park as a result of the shaft all brown glazed tile mosaic, like iron-Viewed from afar, it called the "Tower." 。

7. Tower Fan

Fan tower at the southeast corner of urban Kaifeng, a built in the Northern Song Dynasty-2007 (974). Fan Nine hollow hexagonal tower for the pavilion-style, Fang Mu pagoda structure of the original 80 m high, the Yongle years, the above three will be removed after the six-storey building in the three-tier on the steeple, and formed a present on the tip of the rough Tap posture. Fan tower is to study China's construction, art and music of valuable information. 。

8. Shaanxi-Gansu-Hall 。

Kaifeng City in the northeast of Xu Fu Street northbound, the Qing dynasty merchants in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Gansu brigade Bian folks in the Qianlong 1952 (Year 1776) of financing the construction of a meeting place. Hall entire building, the layout clever, well-structured, beautifully carved Zhuanmu lai, the south pointing carriage. 。

Kaifeng industrial, agricultural, commercial are relatively well developed. Kaifeng strong industrial base, more complete categories. Instrumentation, pharmaceutical, chemical fertilizers, and other large-scale backbone of a number of state enterprises in the country with an important position. Its advantageous geographical location and natural conditions, the group of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, vice, the fisheries industry flourish, the state and Henan important commodity grain and cash crop production bases. Kaifeng market active and economic prosperity. Shopping malls, hotels, financial institutions and other commercial facilities, including foreign economic relations and trade and foreign economic and technological cooperation in various forms positive, multi-channel, multi-level and all-round development.。

回答者:110来了1ove - 经理 四级 3-26 18:15。


为了保险期间建议再找英语老师看看 。 。


A brilliant history left Kaifeng abundant tourism resources, particularly heritage famous at home and abroad. Antique complex group of distinct and diverse styles, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, the Republic of China and characteristics are available. Longting to, the Eiffel Tower, with Temple as the representative of the stream sites attract tourists. Today, Kaifeng have been classified as National Tourism Administration tourism focus of the Central Plains city sightseeing. 。

1. Longting Park 。

Xibeiyu in Kaifeng City, covers an area of 1,300 mu. Gate Park, including all afternoon, jade belt Bridge, North Korea door, Zhaobi, North Korea Housing, Longting, and the Northern Song Dynasty, the palace chen arches sites, Beiting, North Gate and East Gate construction groups such as the Qing Dynasty Longevity Palace, and Pan Yang Lake, Spring Park, bonsai garden, a so-called Central Plains must plant modeling, such as park and promenade Shuixie landscape. 。

2. Qingming Festival on the River Park 。

Xibeiyu in Kaifeng City, to the Northern Song Dynasty painter Zhangyiduan drawing huge picture scroll "Painting Scroll" by depicting the scene of bustling Tokyo Kaifeng, a large amusement park folk landscape. Visitors can change into Song equipment, handheld Song coins You can enjoy the ancient customs of life. 。

3. Song is the Royal Street 。

Kaifeng City, in the northbound, the reproduction is the Song Dynasty style Royal Street, built in 1988 a Fangsong Commercial Street. South from the Xinjiekou, the door to the north of North Korea, the total length of more than 400 meters. Royal Street Stroll, seemed one step on a long history of the millennium, it is full of old Song are bustling scene of an imaginative. 。

4. Baogongci

Baogong in Kaifeng City Lake, an area of about one hectare. Sections are the main basilica, the Temple, things Peidian corridors, Beiting door, 2, display the statue of Lord Bao, and copper to a Baogong Duanan wax, Baogong historical books, "Kaifeng House nomination in mind milestone," such as inscriptions. Style simple, solemn. 。

5. Big Xiangguo Temple 。

Xiangguo Temple is a famous Chinese Buddhist temple, located in Kaifeng City Centre, was built in the Northern Qi dynasty Tianbao 2006 (555). Originally named the founding of Temple, and the extension of the first year of the Tang Dynasty (712), Rui Tang were to commemorate their own phase-boarded from the throne, Ciming big Xiangguo Temple. 。

6. Tower

Tower also known as "open-Sita," is located in Kaifeng City Dongbeiyu Tower Park as a result of the shaft all brown glazed tile mosaic, like iron-Viewed from afar, it called the "Tower." 。

7. Tower Fan

Fan tower at the southeast corner of urban Kaifeng, a built in the Northern Song Dynasty-2007 (974). Fan Nine hollow hexagonal tower for the pavilion-style, Fang Mu pagoda structure of the original 80 m high, the Yongle years, the above three will be removed after the six-storey building in the three-tier on the steeple, and formed a present on the tip of the rough Tap posture. Fan tower is to study China's construction, art and music of valuable information. 。

8. Shaanxi-Gansu-Hall 。

Kaifeng City in the northeast of Xu Fu Street northbound, the Qing dynasty merchants in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Gansu brigade Bian folks in the Qianlong 1952 (Year 1776) of financing the construction of a meeting place. Hall entire building, the layout clever, well-structured, beautifully carved Zhuanmu lai, the south pointing carriage. 。

Kaifeng industrial, agricultural, commercial are relatively well developed. Kaifeng strong industrial base, more complete categories. Instrumentation, pharmaceutical, chemical fertilizers, and other large-scale backbone of a number of state enterprises in the country with an important position. Its advantageous geographical location and natural conditions, the group of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, vice, the fisheries industry flourish, the state and Henan important commodity grain and cash crop production bases. Kaifeng market active and economic prosperity. Shopping malls, hotels, financial institutions and other commercial facilities, including foreign economic relations and trade and foreign economic and technological cooperation in various forms positive, multi-channel, multi-level and all-round development.23232323。




















