
问题描述:新起点小学四年级上册英语教案 大家好,给大家分享一下what's the matter单元教学设计,很多人还不知道这一点。下面详细解释一下。现在让我们来看看!




2008-08-07 10:19:19 深港版四年级英语下全册教案及教学计划[四年英语教案]。

深港版英语四年级二期学科计划教材分析 此套教材PrimarySchoolEnglish,全书共分14个单元,每个单元分为6个部分,即:Let’slistenandsay;let’slearn;let’sact;Let’read;let’slisten,readandwrite;let’shavefun通过对歌谣和小诗的学习,一是培养学生的语感和节奏感;第二是...。

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2008-05-30 11:05:41 外研版四年级《英语》下全册教案[四年英语教案]。

外研新标准英语四年级全册备课(三年级起点)教学内容: 全书共分十一个模块,内含一个期末复习模块。Module1FriendsModule2LondonModule3PicnicModule4RobotsModule5SizeModule6MusicModule7CountriesModule8ChangesModule9WeekendModule10Acci...。

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2008-05-13 09:23:30 湘教版四年级英语全册教案[四年英语教案]。


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2008-04-24 12:22:02 新标准英语三年级起点第四册全册教案[四年英语教案]。


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2008-04-23 09:34:23 NSE Book 8全册教案(英文版)[四年英语教案]。


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2008-04-10 12:02:05 牛津英语4A全册教案,教学计划[四年英语教案]。


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2008-03-14 09:53:04 PEP四年级英语上全册教案[四年英语教案]。


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2008-03-14 09:46:00 人教版(PEP)四年级下英语教案[四年英语教案]。


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2008-03-02 14:42:20 PEP四年级上学期英语教案[四年英语教案]。


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2008-02-28 14:40:59 小学英语PEP BOOK 4全册教案[四年英语教案]。


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2008-09-23 13:40:38 Unit 1 Mocky the juggler 北师大版四年级英语教案[四年英语教案]。


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2008-09-23 13:30:44 Unit 3 Whose CDs第一课时教案 北师大版四上英语教案[四年英语教案]。


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2008-09-19 12:49:45 牛津小学英语4A Unit 9 What’s the matter?[四年英语教案]。


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2008-06-11 15:32:00 北师大版四年级英语教案 Unit5 Our town?[四年英语教案]。


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2008-05-22 13:56:14 牛津4B《At a snake bar》教案及反思[四年英语教案]。


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2008-04-14 10:36:15 《牛津英语》4B教案 Unit1 Part3[四年英语教案]。


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2008-04-13 14:14:19 牛津小学英语4A说课教案 Unit6 Whose gloves?[四年英语教案]。


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2008-04-13 11:13:43 PEP4教案 Unit6 At a Farm[四年英语教案]。


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2008-04-10 12:19:36 牛津版四年级英语上册教案 M1-M3[四年英语教案]。


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2008-04-10 11:39:04 冀教版四年级英语教案 6-31课[四年英语教案]。


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寻 高中英语第一册第七单元教案的相关图片

寻 高中英语第一册第七单元教案

Unit2 Section B(3a-4)教学设计及反思。



本课是新目标英语八年级上册第二单元Section B的第二课时,其主要内容是巩固复习并进一步学习表述身体的种种不适,通过一篇阅读材的学习让学生料了解中国传统中医文化,学习相关词组及短语,了解健康的饮食习惯,并通过3a及3b的练习巩固情态动词的用法,再用一个小组活动让学生具体运用。在教学中,我将灵活运用教材并设计一系列活动,让学生掌握本课重点内容。



1、 语言知识目标

单词:学习掌握词汇:way/traditional/believe/weak/angry/medicine/western/everybody/etc. 。



句型 :What’s the matter (with…)? …is/has….。


It is +adj. for sb. to do sth.。












重点:1、复习掌握表示身体不适的词:tired/hungry/thirsty/stressed out/etc.。


3、学习句型:What’s the matter (with…)? …is/has….。


It is +adj. for sb. to do sth.。

难点:1、句型:It is +adj. for sb. to do sth.。




2.本课学情分析:本课是Unit2 的Section B部分,学生在本单元Section A中就已熟悉What’s the matter?这一句型,掌握了一些描述疾病的词汇和提出建议的句型,这有助于学生对本课的学习。教学中可采用活动教学法及情景交际法,让学生在愉快的气氛中学习新词汇,掌握重点句型,同时能较好的运用到实践中,解决类似问题。







多媒体辅助:用Power point将课本所需要的录音、图片、文字、图表和音乐制作成幻灯片,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情景,实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。



1、 学习方法的指导:培养学生观察力,想象力,记忆力以及思维能力。用生动的课件调动学生的感官进行听说读写的训练。





教学步骤 活动内容 设计思路

Warming up 1、Two students act an conversation in the front of the classroom.。

2、Review and guessing game 。

A student act as a patient. 。

(The teacher act as a patient.)。

T:What’s the matter with me?。

S:Do you have…?。

T:What should I do?。

S:You should….

T:Let’s do a guessing game.。

Ask the Boys and girls have a competition 1、每日课前表演是我教学的一部分,即每次让2个学生编好一段对话,在课堂前3分钟表演,这既锻炼了学生的胆量,又提高学生的积极性,增强了学生学以致用的能力。

2、通过竞猜游戏,复习了上节课所学的句型“What’s the matter?”,用Do you have…?来提出假设。通过竞猜,活跃学习气氛,激发学生的求胜心理,让学生主动参与到学习中来,为学习新课打下伏笔。

Pre-task 1、 Show the students the picture of “Ba Gua”. Let the students know the differences of Chinese and western medicine; yin and yang.。

2、 Use the PPT to teach some new words.。

For example:

T:(Show the picture of medicine)。

What’s this?。

It’s a kind of medicine.。

(Ask the students to repeat “medicine”)。

Teach the other words like this. 1、 出示八卦的图片,给学生讲解西医与传统中医的差异以及保持阴阳平衡的重要性,加强对祖国传统医学的热爱。

2、 通过多媒体的教学,生动形象的向学生展示单词,让学生感受到具体直观的而不是枯燥乏味的单词。学生印象更加深刻。

While-task Task 1、Fill in the information card.。

Play the tape of 3a twice for the students to listen. Then ask the students to Fill in the information card below.。

Problem Diagnostic(症状) Should 。

___and___ Have too much yin Eat___, like beef and Dang sheng herbs.。

___and hungry Have too much ___ Eat more yin food, like___。

Task 2、Thinking。

Students read the passage and then answer the question: What is a healthy lifestyle in Chinese way?。

Ask some students to answer and then check the answer.。

Task 3、 Pairwork。

Students work in pairs and talk about: If we have too much yin/yang, what else can we eat? Then ask some students to share their answers. The teacher can help some students while they need help.。

Task 4、Writing

Let the students try to fill in the blanks in 3b. Then check the answers with the whole class. 在任务活动中,3a、3b分别是阅读和写作能力的训练。在教学3a时,我将教材二次开发,设计成了一个听力,让学生在阅读之前先有个大致的感受,同时设计了一个简单的表格,让学生能顺利完成,同时也让学生的听力得到一次训练。然后根据教学的需要我设计了听、说、读、写四个任务,并将部分任务放在结对活动中进行,让每个学生都有时间和机会用英语来表达自己的思想。通过各个任务,学生也基本能掌握本课的重要内容。

Post-task 1、 Survey and report.(Groupwork)。

A. Get the students to make a survey about what problems they have met. Then fill in the form below.。

Name Problem Advice。

B. Get each group to send a student to make a report after they finish the survey.。

Show the students the model:。

There are ______classmates in our group.。

They are ______(names).。


We think he should/shouldn’t____(advice).。

2、 Memory game

After the report, let the students recall:。

Who met the problem? What should he do?。

Have a competition to ask the students to remember and say the student’s name 1、通过调查和小组活动,让学生尽情参与活动,让每个学生都参与到学习中来,让学生之间相互交流,然后安排学生推举出一个表达能力相对较好的学生做汇报,这样做到了分层教育,学生都能得到发展。同时在汇报时,教师可以对学生在任务活动中的语言失误进行纠正,保证学生学习的正确性。


Homework Write an article with the name of “Do you have a cold/headache/…?” Write about what you should and shouldn’t do. 作业设计:让学生通过写作巩固本课的重点难点。


Unit 2 Section B。

Table 1 Competition。

Problem Diagnostic(症状) Should 。

___and___ Have too much yin Eat___, like beef and Dang sheng herbs.。

___and hungry Have too much ___ Eat more yin food, like___。

Boys Girls 。

Name Problem Advice。

Table 2


what's the matter是几年级学的的相关图片

what's the matter是几年级学的

选择一:Unit 7 Cultural relics(教案设计和课件设计)

Period 2 Reading comprehension。

A City of Heroes。

Teaching Goals: 1.Talk about cultural relics.。

2.Talk about ways to protect cultural relics.。

3.Learn about the city St Petersburg。

4.Use the Present Perfect Passive Voice。

5.Write a letter to the editor to express personal idea 。

about cultural relics.。

Teaching aims: 1.Show the knowledge of the city of heroes to students。

2.Enable the students to express their views on cultural relics。

3.Learn some new words and expressions。

Important Words and expressions:。

ruin, burn, restore, rebuild, beauty, photograph, portrait。

in ruins, bring…back to life, pull down。

Teaching aids: Tape, multimedia。

Teaching Procedure。

 Step1. Lead-in。

Boys and girls, today we are going to learn something about a great city----St Petersburg. First, can you give me some examples of famous cities in the world? Yes, there are。

Beijing, Paris, Tokyo and so on. Now, if you are able to go to any city you want to, which city will you choose? Tell me why. In your opinion, what makes a city great?。

A long history, famous things happening there, great people, and cultural relics.。

 Step2. Showing some pictures about the city and making the students have a brief idea of the history of the city.。

The city of St. Petersburg is relatively young if judged by Russian or European standards. Founded in 1703, St.Petersburg celebrated its 300th anniversary in 2003. But despite being a young city it has a rich and exciting history. Known as Peter the Great's "Paradise" and "Northern Venice" in the early days, St. Petersburg has always been a city of myth and mystery.。

 Step 3. Listen to the Tape for the first time, then do the True or False exercise.。

( )1.The city of St Petersburg was built and rebuilt by Peter the Great.。

( )2.Many great palaces in the city, which were large and beautiful, were built after Peter’s death.。

( )3.The Germans attacked St Petersburg a hundred years ago.。

( )4.When the palaces and buildings were rebuilt, people changed their old beauty.。

( )5.A portrait of Peter the Great was destroyed by the Germans.。

( )6.It was difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces.。

( )7.Workers and painters used old photographs to help them rebuild the city.。

( )8.St Petersburg will never be as beautiful as it was before.。

 Step4. Fill in the blanks after reading the text carefully.。

St Petersburg lies _____ the banks of the river Neva in Russia. ______ hundred years ago, Peter the Great, built a new capital here. Peter the Great was a strong and ______ man. St Petersburg has been the center of many important historical ____. During the World War Two, the people fought hard ________ the Nazis and were determined to _______ the city when the Nazis had left it in ______ . Rebuilding the city was _______ , but the people managed to ______ the city back to ______ . So the people of St Petersburg are the modern_______ , _____ their hero Peter.。

 Step 5. Answer the following questions.。

1.Why was it so difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces?2.Who are the heroes of the city? Why are the people of St.Petersburg heroes?。

 Step 6 Discussion.。

Nowadays, many old buildings in Beijing , like Si Heyuan (四合院)are being destroyed and new modern buildings are built there. How do you think about the event? Do you agree or disagree? Why?。

 Step 7. Homework。

1. Write a similar article about our city.。

2. Do exercises on Page 47.。


The 2nd period A City of Heroes。

Activity1: telling which are cultural relics and which are not。

Show the students some pictures of great wall, Stonehenge, pyramids, Cihu Lake, Xizai Mountain, the East Hill。

Question: are culture relics important? Why?。

Organization: collect the students’ ideas directly。

Activity2: completing a picture of St Petersburg。

Allow the students 5 seconds to look at a picture of St Petersburg carefully and then get them to complete it again。

Say: to restore a picture is easy for you. What about restoring a destroyed city? Yes, very difficult. The city on the screen is called St Petersburg. It was ever destroyed but the people of it brought it back to life. Now let’s go on a trip to the beautiful city.。

Activity3: look and say。

Q1: What words do you use to describe St Petersburg? Collect the answers directly from the students.( beautiful, attractive...)。

 Introduction: St Petersburg has another two names, Petrograd(彼得格勒) and Leningrad(列宁格勒)so it is not a strange name for you. Do you know anything about it? 。

 It’s the second most important city in Russia.。

 It is made up of more than 40 islands and is called “the Venice of the north”

A beautiful city as St Petersburg is, it has a long and great history unknown to many people. Now let’s come to know something about its glorious history.。

Activity4. Skimming。

Read the passage quickly to find out in what order the passage is written.。

Q1: In the passage written in the order of time or space?。

Q2.The first 3 paragraphs cover 3 periods of the history. Can you find out what they are. Please use only one word to fill in the blanks.。

Written in the time order Para.1 St Petersburg was built 300 years ago.。

Para.1 St Petersburg was destroyed during the second World War . 。

Para.1 St Petersburg was rebuilt after the second World War.。

Q3. What is the real purpose of writing this passage?。

St Petersburg is a city of heroes.。

Q4. Who are the heroes? ( Peter the Great and the people of St Petersburg)。

Activity5. Listening to the first paragraph carefully 。

Task1: introduce Peter the Great 。

Activity6. Reading the second paragraph aloud。

Task1. Watch a short film clip and ask the students describe what happened.(who/when/where/how/what… like)。

Activity7.Read paragraph 3 silently and report。

Task1. What is the paragraph about?( who/why/what …use /what…like)。

Activity8 Get one student to read aloud.。

Ask Why are the people of St Petersburg heroes?。

1. They didn’t give in to the enemies.。

2. They brought the destroyed city back to life without destroying its original beauty.。

*Activity9 True of false statements。

Activity10 useful expression 。

1. Where there is a river, there is a city. Where there is a will, there is a way.。

2. It was under attack for 900 days.。

3. The people of the city never gave in .。

4. … paintings and statues lay in pieces on the ground…

5. …we will do everything we can to save our city.。

6. …the people were able to bring back the beauty of their culture…

Activity11. Output。

The people of St Petersburg restored the destroyed city--- St Petersburg, should we also restore Yuanmingyuan? Let’s once again review that period of history by watching a movie clip or looking at some pictures。

Organization: group work and keep down some notes. Then choose one representative from each group and hold a debate hosted by Mr Feng..。

Conclusion: dear boys and girls, on one hand, restoring Yuanmingyuan will attract more tourists and make more money. On the other hand, letting it be will help us and our children understand the history better. Yuanmingyuan’s destruction represents a sad and unforgettable history. No Chinese should ever forget it, because forgetting means betraying.。

Activity12 Morality education。

Our lecture comes to an end now. 。

Difficulty gives in to a strong-willed man.。

If we are united, brave and strong, we can overcome everything.。

The 3rd period let’s study。

Activity1. A game。

Say: in the reading passage “A City of Heroes”, we learnt some useful words and phrases. Let’s look at the screen and consider their English meanings at the same time. Now we are going to play a game in which you are trying to find as many friends as possible. (Teacher does it with three students first.)The students of Group A each have a piece of paper with some words on it. And students of Group B each have a piece of paper with an English explanation in it. Your friends are those who have the right English explanations for your words. For example, if “rebuild” is one of the words in my paper, then the student who holds “to build again” is my friend. Remember only the right one can become your friend. If you find the most friends , you are going to get a reward from me. Then check the answers together.。


Say: now let’s come to the use of the words. Turn to page47, and finish the exercises. , get one student to write down the answers on the blackboard.Then check the answers together.。

Activity3 lead-in to the word formation。

Still in the reading passage “ A City of Heroes”, the people of the city are said to be heroes. But why are they heroes? (Because they restored/ rebuilt the damaged cultural relics without destroying its original beauty.)。

Activity4 Explanation。

1. here rebuild= re- + build 。

Question1. What does “re-“mean? (Again)。

2. Can you think of any other words beginning with “re-“? (retell, rewrite, recreate)。

3. What about respect, recite, repeat, restore? (They don’t belong to this kind. Because they can’t be separated into “re- + word”. For example, we cannot separate recite into re- and cite, because cite is not a word.。

Activity5.Situational practice。

Give the students some sentences and get them to change them with other words.。

1. He drank the coffee at one mouthful, and filled his pot again.(refilled)。

2. After 3 hours’ terrible fight, they controlled the top of the hill again.(recontrolled)。

3. With the disappearance of SARS, some theatres and restaurants opened again.(reopened)。

4. The students are asked to tell the text again.()。

5. I think all of us need to think again about our attitude toward the public health after SARS.(rethink)。

Conclusion: from this exercise, we come to know another way of forming words. “re-” is a prefix. Have you learnt any other prefixes? (In Unit6, we learnt im-/ir-/in-/un-/non-) and these prefixes have made our vocabulary much larger.。

Activity6.grammar lead-in。

1. Use real objects like a piece of chalk and paper, bread the chalk and tear the paper then ask。

Q what has happened to the chalk and the book?(pretending to take away the book secretly)。

(The chalk has been broken and the paper has been torn.)。

Summarize the structure for the present perfect passive voice: has/have been done。

2. Look and ask。

Show a picture of New Orleans under attack of the hurricane and ask:。

What has happened to New Orleans? (It has been destroyed by the hurricane.)。

Show a picture of the bird flu and ask 。

What has happened to the people? (About 30 people have been killed by the bird flu.)。

Activity7.Sentence formation 。

The students can do two of the six. Write down the answers on the paper. Get 3 students to do them on the blackboard. Finally check the answers together.。

Activity8. Passages dealing on page47。

Activity9. Look and say 。

Describing the changes which have happened to a city in the past years.。

The 4th period integrating skills。

Activity1. Pre-discussion。

Show the students some pictures of some culture relics and get the students to discuss。

Are culture relics important? Why?。

(They are the symbols of the country’s culture and civilization. They were built long long ago. Once destroyed, it will be very hard to restore. Losing them means losing a part of history.)。

Activity2. Lead-in。

Saying: although culture relics are so important, they are in danger now. Let’s take a look at the Chauvet Cave paintings. What have you seen? (The paintings have been damaged.)。

Activity3 listen and answer。

Listen to the tape and find out the answers to the following three questions。

Q1. Who is the writer?。

Q2. What is the matter?。

Q3 What is the writer’s advice?。

Work in pairs first and check the answers together.。

Say: Sophie cares about her country’s culture relics, which shows that she loves her country very much..。

Q How should we write such a letter?( it should cover the above information.)。

Say: Some of the culture relics in our country are also in danger. If we don’t take measures to stop it. They may be destroyed. Now let’s take a look.。

Activity4.look and discuss。

1. Show the students the present situation of some culture relics and Ask: 。

Can we allow this situation to continue?。

2.Please discuss in groups. Team1 discuss picture1, team2 picture2, team3 picture3 and team4 picture4. what problems have you found and what advice can you give? Now go ahead. 。

3. Writing Now please combine your problems and your advice into a letter. (Get one group to write on the blackboard if no OHP)。

Activity5. Talk show。

Boys and girls, as we all know culture relics are important, because they tell us who our ancestors were and what their life was like. They show the development of human civilization. And they help us better understand who we are and where we are from. Today we invite four gusts to take part in our talk show. The topic is the present situation and protection of our culture relics.。

Q1.Have you found any problems with the cultural relics?。

Q2. Do you think we can do something?。

Conclusion: Protecting our cultural relics is an important task and we should take it seriously. We are protecting our history and knowledge so that people in the future will know and enjoy it. Let’s do it from ourselves. Never do the things shown on the screen. Thank you, this is the end of our talk show.。

Activity6.post the letter。

Now our lecture also comes to an end. Each group has an envelop, please put your letter into it and get it posted after class. This is your homework. And this is the first step for you to protect our cultural relics. Thank you! So much for today. And thank you, the teachers present today. Thank you for your time and patience. Goodbye。




八年级下册第1单元《What’s the matter?》。

教学重点:本节课主要学习身体部位的单词和一些疾病的词汇,以及身体不适的表达及建议。第一课时主要学习的内容是学习有关身体部位的单词,学习“What’s the matter ?”和“What should …do?”句型。

教学难点:身体不适的表达及建议,掌握情态动词should \shouldn’t. 的用法,学习have的用法。


1、 What's the matter with you?= What'the trouble with you?。

=What's wrong with you?你怎么了?

2、 What should she do?她该怎么办呢?

3、Should I take my temperature?我应该量一下体温吗?

4、You should lie down and rest.你应该躺下休息一会儿。

5、 Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book?你认为它是来自报纸还是书呢?


初二Mainly Revision 。


【 抛砖引玉】


Ⅰ. 词汇学习

happily , easily , carefully , worried , feel worried about, pingpong , hard-working。

Ⅱ. 语法学习

简单句的基本句型 ( 一 ) 。

( 1 ) 主语 + 不及物动词:

He swims .

They are listening . 。

( 2 ) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语:

She likes basketball。

They know me . 。

( 3 ) 主语 + 系动词 + 表语:

The bike is new . 。

She felt worried . 。

Ⅲ. 交际英语:

What can I do for you ? 。

I need to do some shopping . 。

I‘m worried about my party . 。

【 指点迷津】


1 . pingpong 乒乓球。

〖 点拨〗乒乓球也可说 table tennis . 。

She plays pingpong very well . 她乒乓球打得很好。

2 . hard-working 努力工作的。

He is a hard-working teacher . 他是一位勤奋的老师。

〖 点拨〗类似的词如:peace-loving爱好和平的。

3 . happily 幸福地,快乐地。

The children are playing happily . 孩子们正愉快地玩着。

〖 点拨〗该词为 happy 的副词形式,作状语。happiness是其名词形式。注意:live a happy life过着幸福的生活。

4 . easily 容易地,轻易地。

We did it easily . 我们很容易地把它做了。

〖 点拨〗其形容词为 easy . 。

It is easy for sb to do某人干……很容易。It is easy for her to bring the books here .。

5 . carefully 仔细地,小心地。

Listen to the teacher carefully ! 仔细听老师讲 !。

〖 点拨〗该词为 careful 的副词。careless粗心大意的。carefully = with care认真地。

You’d better do your homework carefully .。

6 . worried 担心的,烦恼的。

〖 点拨〗注意 worry 可作动词和名词“担心,焦虑”,be worried about = worry about “对…感到担心”。

- What’s the matter with you , Tom ?。

- My parents haven’t been back yet . I am worried about it .。


1 . telephone number 电话号码。

What is your telephone number . 你的电话号码是多少 ? 。

Perhaps his telephone number is wrong .。

- Is this 9998345 ?。

- Sorry , you have the wrong number .。

2 . do some shopping 买些东西。

We’re going to do some shopping . 我们打算购买一些物品。

〖 提示〗类似词组还有:do sport 从事运动 / do the cooking 烹调,烹饪 / do washing 洗衣服 / do cleaning 做扫除 / do one‘s homework 做家庭作业 / do one’s lesson 做功课。

Mr . Smith likes doing sport after meals . 史密斯先生喜欢饭后参加体育运动。

Is Rose going to do washing this afternoon ? 。

I don’t like to do shopping with her this afternoon , Mum .。

3 . Please help yourself 请随便吃,请自己动手 ( 拿、吃、抽烟等 ) 。

Please help yourself to wine . 请随便用酒。

〖 提示〗表吃什么,拿什么时,该词组要加介词 to 再加宾语。

Boys , help yourselves to more bananas and oranges .。

Sir , help yourself to some cigarettes (香烟).。

注意:help sb with帮助某人干…… 。She always helps me with my Chinese on Sunday .。

4 . get ready for 为……做好准备,为……准备好。

Have you got ready for the party ? 这个聚会你已经准备好了吗 ? 。

〖 点拨〗get ready to do准备好干…… 。Please get ready to run , class .。

5 . on the other side of 在……的另一边。

On the other side of the river there are some banana trees . 在河的对岸,有许多香蕉树。

On the other side of the street there is a book shop .。

〖 提示〗指两者之中的另一边。

6 . like to do 与 like doing:

〖 提示〗这两者都表示“喜欢做什么”。区别如下:

like to do 指喜欢做特定的或某次具体的行动,指一时的爱好。

I like to swim in the river . 我喜欢在这条河游泳。 ( 特定场合的具体行动 ) 。

( 试比较:I like swimming . 我喜欢游泳。 ) 。

like doing 指喜欢做某事,即长期的爱好和兴趣。试比较:

Do you like swimming ? 你喜欢游泳吗 ? ( 指长期的爱好 ) 。

Would you like to swim with me tomorrow ? 你愿意明天和我一起去游泳吗 ? ( 特指明天一次具体行动 ) 。

另外:如果用于否定结构,like to do 与 like doing 就没有什么区别,可以换用。如:

I don‘t like smoking = I don’t like to smoke . 我不喜抽烟。

7 . like 与 would like 的区别:

〖 提示〗like ( 喜欢,爱好 ) ,后接名词、代词、不定式或动名词。

Do you like fish ? 你喜欢 ( 吃 ) 鱼吗 ? 。

would like 意为“想要,愿意”解时,是 wish 和 want 的意思。用于礼貌性地提出要求或表示愿意提供帮助。其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式。但不能接动名词。

Would you like something to eat ? 你想吃点什么东西吗 ? 。

would like sb to do愿意让某人干 ……。

My father would like me to go to Beijing with hin this summer .。


【 学法指要】


1 . as + 副词 + as。

Read this passage as quickly as you can . 你尽快读完这段短文。

这具句型中第一个 as 为副词,第二个 as 为从属连词,引导程度状语从句。又如:

He ran as fast as he could . 他尽力地快跑。

He works as hard as you . 他与你一样努力工作。

2 . Not… 否定主语的句型。

Not everyone likes sandwiches . 不见得每个人都喜欢三明治。

not 无论放在句首或句子其它地方,与 all , every 等词连用时,只表示部分否定,又叫做“部分否定句”。如:

Everyone does not like sandwiches . 每个人不见得都喜欢三明治。

Not everyone is a worker . = Everyone is not a worker . 不见得每个人都是工人。

Not everyone agrees with you . 不是人人都同意你的意见。

Not all people agree with you . 不是大家都同意你的看见。


1 . What can I do for you ? 你要点什么 ? 。

这是对顾客的礼貌用语,还可以说 Can I help you ? 如:

- What can I do for you ? 你要点什么 ? 。

- I want to buy a new coat . 我想买件新上衣。

- Can I help you ?。

- Two cups of coffee . = Two coffees . 请来两杯咖啡。

2 . She felt worried . 她很焦急。

feel 是连系动词, worried 是形容词,在句中作表语。turn , get , look , be 等动词也是连系动词,都可接形容词构成系表结构。如:

He felt happy . 他很高兴。

The trees turn green . 树儿绿了。

※ 表示具有某种性质、特征或处于某种状态。常用的有 be , appear , feel , sound , seem , book , smell , taste 等。例如:

It is not late . 时间还不晚。

The dish smells good . 这道菜闻着香。

He seemed to be writing something . 他好象在写什么东西。

His words sounds all right . 他的话听起来有道理。

※ 表示动词所叙述的动作和过程所产生的结果;或者表示状态的变化。常用的有:get , go , come , become , turn , grow , fall , prove , run , make 等。例如:

The custom has now become a rule . 那习俗已变为成规。

The milk in the cup will go bad . 杯子里的牛奶要坏了。

Her face turned red . 。

※ 某种持续的状态。常用的有:keep , continue , stand等。例如:

She knew she must keep calm . 她知道她必须保持镇静。

※ 除 make 等个别词外,几乎所有的连系动词都能接形容词作表语。例如:

Our country is getting stronger and stronger . 我们国家日益强大。

※ 接名词作表语的有:become , get , look , make , seem , turn 等。例如:

Now you look a grown-up young man . 现在你看上去已经是一个成年的小伙子了。

One tree does not make a wood . 独木不成林。

He used to be a soldier till he turned writer . 他当作家之前曾是战士。

※ 我们还应注意某些连系词和形容词的固定搭配及其褒贬色彩。比如,come 多接褒义形容词,而 go 则多接贬之形容词。例如:

come true / right 变为现实 / 正确。

go bad / hungry / mad / blind / deaf / tired / …变坏 / 饿 / 疯 / 瞎 / 聋 / 累……

grow rich / tall / large / clever / old…变得富裕 / 高 / 大 / 聪明 / 年老……

fall ill / asleep / silent / …生病 / 睡着 / 沉默……

3 . I‘m worried about my party . 我正担心晚会呢 ? 。

be worried about 意为“为……而担心”。注意该词组表示担忧的状态。如:

Mother is worried about his health . 母亲担心他的健康。

Are you worried about the meeting ? 你担心开会的事吗 ? 。

4 . I’ll get another one now . 我现在再拿一根来。

one ( s ) , other ( s ) the other ( s ) 及 another 的区别:

one 有下列几种意思:1 ) 可指人或表示一种;2 ) 常用来代替前面刚提到的可数名词,以。

避免重复,如可数名词为复数,就要用 ones 来代替;3 ) 表示“一个…,另一个…”用“one…the other…”。

the others 表示其余的几个,要用定冠词 the。

others 表示泛指“别人”或“别的东西”,常不加定冠词。

another 意为“另一个,又一个”强调三个或三个以上人 ( 或事物 ) 中的“另一个”。


A:Which sweater would you like , the red one or the blue one ? 你想要哪件毛衣,红色的还是蓝色的 ? 。

B:The red one . 红色的。

I have two sisters . One is a teacher , the other is a doctor . 我有两个姐姐,一个是教师,另一个当医当。

The children are cleaning the classroom . Some are sweeping the floor , others are cleaning the window . 孩子们在打扫教室,一些正在扫地,另一些在擦窗子。

Lei Feng was always ready to help others . 雷锋总是乐于助人。

Here are three pencils . One is red , another is blue , the third is yellow .。


【 妙文赏析】

Not Such a Simple Question。

Alan Chang was a handsome young man with good manners . One morning he was walking along a street on his way to an appointment . He did not want to be early or late . He had forgotten to put on his watch so he went up to a man who was waiting for a taxi . 。

“ Excuse me , sir , ”he said , very politely , “ but could you tell me the time ? ”

The man , who was very well - dressed and looked quite rich , said nothing . He did not even look at Alan . Alan spoke to him again . “ Excuse me , sir , ”he said , “ but could you please tell me what time it is ? ”

This time the man looked at him , but he did not speak and looked quickly away . Alan thought to himself: Well , he‘s not deaf . He must be just rude . 。

“ Why won’t you tell me the time , sir ? ”he demanded . 。

The man turned towards him and said , Try to understand me . I am standing here waiting for a taxi . You come up to me and ask me for the time . If tell it to you , you will thank me . I will say , “ That‘s all right . ”You may then say , “ It’s a beautiful day , ”to which I may reply “ Yes , I like these sunny winter days . ”

Before we know what is happening we have a friendly conversation . You are a pleasant , polite young man and so when my taxi comes , I offer you a fide . You accept . We talk . I like you . You like me . I invite you to my home . You meet my daughter . She is a very pretty girl . You are a good - looking man . You like each other . Soon you fall in love . You want to marry . Now do you understand my problem ? ”

Alan shook his head . 。

“ No sir , I‘m sorry , I don’t . Everything you have said seems very natural to me . ”

“ Exactly , ”the man said , “ and I do not want my daughter to marry a man who is too poor to buy a watch . Good morning to you . ”And with these words he hurried away .。

注释:handsome 英俊的,manners 礼貌,appointment 约会,well-dressed 穿着考究的,衣着入时的,deaf 聋的,rude 粗鲁的,粗野的,无礼的,demand 请求,要求,

【 思维体操】

1 . A man phoned his daughter to ask her to buy a few things he needed for a trip . He told her she would find enough dollar bills for the purchases ( 采购 ) in an envelope on his desk . She found the envelope with“ 98 ”written on it . In a shop she bought 90 worth of things , but when it was time to pay , she didn‘t have 8 left over as she thought she would . In fact , she didn’t have enough money to pay for all the purchases . By how much was she short ? 。

A . 8 . 00 . B . 10 . 00 . C . 6 . 00 D . 4 . 00 . 。

2 . Each of the Smith brothers has as many sisters as he has brothers . But each of the Smith sisters has twice as many brothers as she has sisters . How many brothers and sisters are there in the Smith family ? 。

A . Four brothers and three sisters . B . Three brothers and four sisters . 。

C . Two brothers and four sisters . D . Four brothers and five sisters . 。

3 . If a carpenter ( 木工 ) receives twenty-five cents for sawing ( 锯 ) a board into two lengths , how much should he receive for saving the board into four lengths ? 。

A . 50 cents . B . 1 , 00 . C . 75 cents . D . 2 . 00 . 。

4 . How many times can 19 be subtracted ( 减去 ) from 27 ? 。

A . Once . B . Twice . C . Three . D . None . 。

5 . Some hens and cats are in a room . They are 36 legs and 15 heads in all . How many hens and cats are there in the room ? 。

A . 6 and 9 . B . 7 and 8 . C . 12 and 3 . D . 8 and 7 .。

答案:1 - 5 DAAAC。


【 心中有数】




1 ) 主语 + 不及物动词 ( 谓语 ) 。

The moon rose . 月亮升起来了。


The sun rises . 太阳升起来了。

The red sun rises . 红太阳升起来了。

The red sun rises in the east . 红太阳在东方升起。

2 ) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语。

All my friends like to study English and Chinese .。


They speak English quite well . 他们英语讲得好。 ( 副词作状语 ) 。

3 ) 主语 + 连系动词 + 表语 。

My brother is a singer .My mother is a nurse .。

另外:在这个句型中,连系动词以 be 动词为最多,此外还有 look , become , keep , get , turn 等。表语可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词短语等。

It‘s getting colder and colder . 天气越来越冷。

Please keep quiet ! 请保持安静 ! 。

【 动手动脑】


※ 英汉互译

1 . 白天 2 . 时常 3 . 继续 4 . 去散步。

5 . 打电话给…… 6 . get warm 7 . at the moment 8 . by the way。

9 . feel happy 10 . take - away food 。

答案:1 . day - time 2 . at times 3 . go on 4 . go for a walk 5 . ring up 6 . 变暖 7 . 此刻 8 . 顺便说一下 9 . 感到高兴 10 . 熟食。

※ 要点分析

1 . Now you can ______ the food at home . 。

A . do B . making C . cook D . doing。

答案 C . do , make , cook 都含有“做”的含义,但用在食物上则只用 make 和 cook , make 侧重于面食的制作,如包饺子,做蛋糕等,而 cook 侧重“烹饪”,句中 can 为情态动词,后加动词 cook 原形。

2 . I saw him ______ the car , and he went into that shop . 。

A . getting on B . getting into C . getting off D . getting out of。

答案 D . 上、下小汽车时不用 get on / off 短语,而要用 get into / out of , 另外前后两分句由 and 连接为并列句,前后动作应一致,不可能上了小汽车又进了商店,所以应选择下车,即 getting out of。

3 . There ______ water in the bottle . 。

A . is no B . is not C . are no D . are not。

答案 A . water 为不可数名词,谓语动词要用单数形式,因此可排除C、D项,另外 no = not any , any 用来修饰 water 不可缺,因此不能只用 is not , 而要选A . is no。

4 . I didn’t know why she ______ worried . 。

A . is B . felt C . looks D . feeled。

答案 B . 在主从复合句中,除主句为一般现在时的情况外,主从句在时态上一律要保持一致,本题主句为一般过去时,因此从句也要用过去的时态,D项中 feeled 为一种错误的过去式形式,因此选B。

5 . Miss Liu will never be late , ______ ? 。

A . won‘t she B . will Miss Liu C . is she D . will she。

答案 D . never 为否定副词,意为“从来没有”因此陈述部分为否定句,那么反意疑问句的疑问部分要用肯定形式 will,主语 Miss Liu 相对应的人称代词为 she,因此选D,类似这种情况的词还有 hardly ( 几乎不 ) ,few , little ( 几乎没有 ) ,nobody , no one ( 没有人 ) ,nothing ( 没有什么 ) 等。

※ 词形变化

1 . day ( 反义词 ) 2 . long ( 比较级 )。

3 . snow ( 现在分词 ) 4 . cloud ( 形容词 )。

5 . happy ( 副词 ) 6 . country ( 复数 )。

7 . stop ( 过去式 ) 8 . beautiful ( 最高级 )。

9 . stop ( 第三人称单数 ) 10 . we ( 名词性物主代词 ) 。

答案:1 . night 2 . longer 3 . snowing 4 . cloudy 5 . happily 6 . countries 7 . stopped 8 . most beautiful 9 . stops 10 . ours。

【 创新园地】

1 . - Hi , Jim1。

- ______

- It was a pleasure . 。

2 . - ______

- That’ll be fine . I‘ll tell Mum . I think I’m free that night . 。

3 . - ______

- Sure .

4 . - ______

- Bye !

A . Goodbye ! 。

B . I told my parents about it last night . They asked me to thank your mother . We hope you can come to our house for supper next Saturday . 。

C . Hi , Ann ! Thank you for supper last night . I enjoyed it very much . 。

D . Good . Please give me a ring after you talk to your parents . 。

( 请同学们把填好的答案反馈给我们 )。

答案:1 - 4 C B D A。

【 同步题库】

Unit 21

Ⅰ . 单项填空

1 . There ______ fifty people , not counting the children . 。

A . have B . had C . was D . were。

2 . There were ten ______ number . 。

A . in B . on C . at D . with。

3 . Run as ______ as you can . 。

A . faster B . fastest C . the fastest D . fast。

4 . He is always ready ______ others . 。

A . help B . to help C . helps D . helping。

5 . This pair is ______ too large . Please show me another pair . 。

A . a few B . few C . a little D . a small。

6 . She is ______ to get it down . 。

A . short enough B . enough tall C . tall enough D . enough high。

7 . Would you like a little ______ milk ? 。

A . much B . many C . more D . most。

8 . We enjoyed ______ at the party last night . 。

A . us B . our C . ourselves D . ourself。

9 . The boys in Class One enjoy ______ football . 。

A . play B . playing C . to play D . plays。

10 . Why did all his friends laugh ____ him ? 。

A . to B . at C . / D . over。

11 . - How about coming with us to the film ? 。

- ______ .

A . I love B . I love to C . I‘d love to D . I’d love。

12 . What about ______ an early start ? 。

A . make B . making C . to make D . made。

13 . - What colour is that eraser ? 。

- It‘s ______ . 。

A . a orange B . an orange C . the orange D . orange。

14 . ______ the chickens before they are hatched ( 孵出 ) . 。

A . Count B . Counts C . Not count D . Don’t count。

15 . ______ is your father‘s birthday ? 。

A . Where B . When C . How D . Who。

16 . How many ______ and ______ in your class ? 。

A . boy student ; girl ones B . boys student ; girls one。

C . boy students ; girl ones D . boys students ; girls ones。

17 . - ______ Mary’s telephone number ? 。

- 2749588 .

A . How many is B . How much is C . What‘s D . Which are。

18 . There are two big windows ______ the front wall . 。

A . in B . on C . at D . from。

19 . He looked ______ and ill . 。

A . worry B . worried C . worrying D . to worry。

20 . - How are you today ? 。

- I ______ fine , thanks . 。

A . to feel B . am feeling C . feels D . felt。

Ⅱ . 单词填空


One day Mr Fox came to Mr Hare’s h______ and said . “Come with me q______ . Mrs Duck h______ six eggs . Come a______ see them . ”

Mr Hare said , “No , I‘ll n______ come . I’ll s______ here . ”

Mr Fox said , “You a______ lazy ( 懒惰的 ) . ”

“Mr Hare said , “I am lazy . ”

Mr Fox said , “You sit on m______ back and ride . ”

Mr Hare said , “I‘ll ride on y______ back . ”

Mr Hare r______ on Mr Fox’s back , and Mr Fox w______ to the village . On their way there they m______ Mrs Duck . When Mr Hare s______ Mrs Duck , he said , “L______ , Mr Fox is my donkey ( 驴子 ) . I‘m r______ on his back1”

Ⅲ . 补全对话,每空一词。

A:Hello !

B : Hello ! May I ( 1 ) to Mary , please ? 。

A : I’m ( 2 ) . She‘s ( 3 ) at the moment . ( 4 ) calling , please ? 。

B : This is Jim speaking . 。

A : Hi , Jim . Can I ( 5 ) a message ? 。

B : Yes , please ask him to ( 6 ) me at 2610261 . 。

A : Is ( 7 ) 2610261 ? 。

B : Yes , that’s ( 8 ) . 。

A : ( 9 ) . I‘ll ( 10 ) him the message . Goodbye , Jim . 。

B : Thank you . Goodbye . 。

Ⅳ . 阅读理解


Last Sunday Mr . Clark and his wife went to the seaside . They arrived home very late . Mr . Clark unlocked the front door and they went into the house . It was very dark , so Mr . Clark turned on the lights . On th。




















