
问题描述:GRE是什么考试?考些什么内容? 大家好,小编来为大家解答以下问题,一个有趣的事情,一个有趣的事情,今天让我们一起来看看吧!



GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业。由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办,GRE是美国、加拿大的大学各类研究生院(除管理类学院,法学院)要求申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩,也是教授对申请者是否授予奖学金所依据的最重要的标准。 另有,Generic Routing Encapsulation(通用路由封装)也简称GRE。


Verbal(词汇)与Quantitative(数学)部分为笔试。 Analytical Writing(分析性写作)为机考。



ETS将在2011年8月推出新的GRE考试。这次考试改革集中在三个方面 1. 考试内容 2. 考试形式 3. 算分方法 以下将从三个方面来进行讨论:


写作部分将重点考察考生有针对性地对具体考题做出反应的能力,而非要求考生堆砌泛泛的文字。具体说来,这些重点关注的能力包括 · 清楚有效地阐明复杂观点 · 用贴切的事理和事例支撑观点 · 考察/验证他人论点及其相关论证 · 支撑一个有针对性的连贯的讨论 · 控制标准书面英语的各个要素 写作部分将联合考察逻辑推理和分析写作两种技能,并且将加大力度引进那些需要考生做出有针对性的回应的考题,降低考生依赖事前准备(如背诵)的材料的可能性。


语言能力方面的考察将更加强调高级认知能力,力求更加深入并且真实地反映考生理解阅读材料并运用推理能力的情况。具体说来,这些能力包括 · 分析一段论述文字并推导结论;根据不完全的数据做推导;识别作者的前提/假设条件和视角; 理解语言文字的多层次含义,包括字面意涵,修辞意涵和作者目的等 · 挑选重要观点,区别主要论述和次要/相关论述;总结全文;理解文章结构 · 理解词,句和段落篇章的意涵;理解不同词和概念间的关系 强调复杂推理能力 · 更加突出高级认知技能 · 更多基于语境的理解,比如阅读理解 · 减少对于单纯词汇意义(通过死记硬背词表习得)的考察,取消类比和反义题 · 扩大文章选择面 新题型与新技能 · 从文章中选取一个句子,加量以回答问题。


数学部分依旧关注和之前相同的数学概念,但是将引入更多的生活场景并且更加突出对考生解读数字的能力的考察。数学部分关注的能力包括 · 读懂量化信息 · 解读并分析量化信息 · 运用数学模型解题 · 运用算术,代数,几何,概率以及统计学中的基本概念和技能 强调量化推理能力 · 提高生活场景题和数据解读题的比例 · 提供在线计算器以减低计算量 新题型与新技能 · 键入一个数值答案 ETS相信这些改进有助于更好地测试各个考生未来(在研究生院)取得成功的潜力。


目前,GRE CAT的考试思路与笔试相同,内容亦相近,但题目的分布和顺序都有很大的改动。CAT有4或5个Section,但只有3个Section计分,Verbal,Quantitative和Analytical中各取一个Section。试验性Section不计成绩,但因不能分辨第几个Section不计分,因此七个部分试题都应认真回答。ETS允许考生到考场熟悉设备(强烈建议!) 因结构的不定性,总共考试时间不定,一般不超过4个小时。考试整个过程如下: ·Tutorial -计算机辅导练习,时间不限 ·背景调查 ·Verbal语文,38题,30分钟-计分 ·Quantitative数学,30题,30分钟-计分 ·Identified Research Section -可能出现,一般会是个Mathematical Reasoning,而且会是最后一个部分,不计分 ·选择保留或取消成绩 ·选择报送成绩学校,最多4所 考题具体分布情况: ·Verbal 第1题~第7题:句子填空,每题有1至2个空项 第8题~第16题:类比,有5个选项配对 第17题~第27题:阅读(一长文,一短文) 第28题~第38题:反义,从5个单词或词组选项中过滤 ·Quantitative 第1题~第15题:2个数比较大小 第16题~第20题:计算及应用 第21题~第25题:图表分析推理 GRE Writing Assessment一般不超过2小时,考试的结构如下: ·Tutorial -计算机辅导练习,时间不限 ·Task 1 - 30 minutes中间没有休息 ·Task 2 - 30 minutes GRE Subject Test GRE专业考试分为数学、生物、物理、化学、历史、音乐、法语、西班牙语、计算机、经济学、工程学、教育学、地质学、美国文学、政治学、心理学和社会学等学科,各个学科的试题数目与形式各不相同,其目的主要在于测试考生在某一学科领域或专业领域内所获得的知识和技能以及能力水平的高低。 (1)数学类(M67——Mathematics)约66题,试题主要是针对希望攻读数学专业研究生的考生,侧重于数学专业的知识和技巧。除了基本的微积分运算外,还包括线性代数、数学分析等,要求考生能够举一反三。大约有1/4的试题涉及到复变分析、拓扑学、数论等方面的知识。 (2)物理类(P77——Physics)约100题,其内容主要涉及大学的物理课程。其中经典力学约占20%,电磁基础约占18%,原子物理约占10%,物理光学及波动现象约占9%,流体力学及统计力学约占10%,量子力学约占12%,狭义相对论约占6%,实验方法约占6%;其余9%主要涉及近代物理学的内容,包括有拉格朗日和哈密尔顿力学、原子和质子物理、低温物理及空间物理。 (3)化学类(C27——Chemistry)约150题,涉及大学化学课程的主要内容。其中,分析化学约占15%,无机化学约占25%,有机化学约占30%,物理化学约占30%。 (4)计算机科学类(C29——Computer Science)约80题,涉及大学电子工程专业和计算机专业的课程内容。其中,软件系统及方法约占35%,计算机与结构约占20%,计算机理论约占20%,计算数学约占20%;其他如数学横型与模拟约占5%。 (5)生物学类(B24——Biology)约205题,总共分成三个部分: 细胞与分子生物学 有机生物学 人体生物学,包括生态学与进化论 (6)工程类(E37——Engineering)约有140题,涉及大学基础及专业基础课程,内容包括机械学、传热学、电子及电子线路、热力学、材料特性等。在个别试题中也可能涉及化学、工程评价、光学、声学、计算方法、工程经济、流体力学、液压原理等。约有50题涉及到数学的应用,其中有一类试题是从研究数学模型到通过工程应用以完成操作;另一类试题是从研究直观数学概念,求出最佳方法,再应用到工程实践中去。 (7)经济类(E31——Economics)共有130题。其中,微观经济和宏观经济分析试题约占60%,包括公共财政、金融、数量经济与国际贸易;7%的试题为统计基本知识;其余33%的试题包括经济学的其他领域。 (8)教育学(E34——Education)约有200题,要分成以下五个部分: 教育目标 学校管理及监督 课程安排 教学与学习 教育评估及研究 (9)生物化学、细胞与分子生物学(B22---Biochemistry,Cell and Molecular Biology)参加这门学科考试的学生来自以下专业,即生物化学、细胞生物学、分子生物学以及其有关学科,例如微生物学、遗传学。该学科约180题,其试题内容涉及到三个领域,其中生物化学(36%),细胞生物学(28%),分子生物学与遗传学(36%)。 (10)地质学(G47——Geology) 约195题,共分成三个部分:2地层学、沉积学、古生物学、地貌学和海洋学2地质结构与地球物理学、大地构造学、重力学、磁力学、地震及地震学、热电特性2矿物学、岩石学、地球化学、同位素地质及经济资源等 (11)英国文学类(L64——Literature in English) 约230题,其内容集中在重大事件、社会活动、著名作家等方面。主要侧重于大学课程的知识,例如辨认作家、作品,概述并讨论历史事件,复述某篇名作的章节;还有一类试题侧重于学生阅读诗歌、戏剧、小说、散文的能力。后一类试题往往要求考生使用规定的结构、形式、文学技巧和风格进行作文。 (13)音乐类(M72——REVISED Music) 约200题,试题侧重于人们熟悉的基本概念与原理,作品的分析和讲解,包括风格、构成和历史时期,共包括三个方面内容: 音乐理论,其中有基本规则、和声、对位、节奏、形式、配器及管弦乐 音乐史(中世纪变态乐) 音乐史(20世纪古典音乐) (14)心理学类(P81——Psychology)约220题,共分为三个部分: 记忆、思维、知觉、人文学、比较心理学、生理学等,约占43% 个性、临诊、变态心理、心理发展和社会心理学等,约占43% 历史心理学与应用心理学、心理测量、心理统计,约占14%。



I'm GG from xx region and currently am yy yrs old.As surely those most prospective and promising candidates will,I find no less interest and vigorous ethusiasim to present mysf here in a ready position to run for the aeroline steward.。

It should be applied no more overpunctilious consideration since such an eminently educated and proficiently experience-equipped candidate is here available,confidence cometh not from vainity for I'm the best option.Any postpone or decline will be fatal folly for your honor.。




“在吗”英文翻译为are you there。


词义:名词: 公亩。动词: 是。

固定搭配:How are you 你好吗。

用法:带宾语。These are the people who are helping us. 这些是正在帮助我们的人。


词义:代词: 你;你们。

固定搭配:Thank you 谢谢。

用法:做主语。You two seem very different to me.你们俩在我看来似乎很不同。



固定搭配:Over There 那时那地。

用法:被引用。There are temporary traffic lights now at the school.那所学校现在设有临时交通信号灯。











a fisherman, who had known me when Emily and I were children, and。

ever since, whispered my name at the door.。

'Sir,' said he, with tears starting to his weather-beaten face,。

which, with his trembling lips, was ashy pale, 'will you come over。


The old remembrance that had been recalled to me, was in his look. 。

I asked him, terror-stricken, leaning on the arm he held out to。

support me:

'Has a body come ashore?'。

He said, 'Yes.'。

'Do I know it?' I asked then.。

He answered nothing.。

But he led me to the shore. And on that part of it where she and。

I had looked for shells, two children - on that part of it where。

some lighter fragments of the old boat, blown down last night, had。

been scattered by the wind - among the ruins of the home he had。

wronged - I saw him lying with his head upon his arm, as I had。

often seen him lie at school.。






































'I hope Time,' said I, looking at her, 'will be good to all of us. 。

Dear Mrs. Steerforth, we must all trust to that, in our heaviest。


The earnestness of my manner, and the tears in my eyes, alarmed。

her. The whole course of her thoughts appeared to stop, and。


I tried to command my voice in gently saying his name, but it。

trembled. She repeated it to herself, two or three times, in a low。

tone. Then, addressing me, she said, with enforced calmness:。

'My son is ill.'。

'Very ill.'

'You have seen him?'。

'I have.'

'Are you reconciled?'。

I could not say Yes, I could not say No. She slightly turned her。

head towards the spot where Rosa Dartle had been standing at her。

elbow, and in that moment I said, by the motion of my lips, to。

Rosa, 'Dead!'

That Mrs. Steerforth might not be induced to look behind her, and。

read, plainly written, what she was not yet prepared to know, I met。

her look quickly; but I had seen Rosa Dartle throw her hands up in。

the air with vehemence of despair and horror, and then clasp them。

on her face.

The handsome lady - so like, oh so like! - regarded me with a fixed。

look, and put her hand to her forehead. I besought her to be calm,。

and prepare herself to bear what I had to tell; but I should rather。

have entreated her to weep, for she sat like a stone figure.。

'When I was last here,' I faltered, 'Miss Dartle told me he was。

sailing here and there. The night before last was a dreadful one。

at sea. If he were at sea that night, and near a dangerous coast,。

as it is said he was; and if the vessel that was seen should really。

be the ship which -'。

'Rosa!' said Mrs. Steerforth, 'come to me!'。

She came, but with no sympathy or gentleness. Her eyes gleamed。

like fire as she confronted his mother, and broke into a frightful。


'Now,' she said, 'is your pride appeased, you madwoman? Now has he。

made atonement to you - with his life! Do you hear? - His life!'。

Mrs. Steerforth, fallen back stiffly in her chair, and making no。

sound but a moan, cast her eyes upon her with a wide stare.。

'Aye!' cried Rosa, smiting herself passionately on the breast,。

'look at me! Moan, and groan, and look at me! Look here!' striking。

the scar, 'at your dead child's handiwork!'。

The moan the mother uttered, from time to time, went to My heart. 。

Always the same. Always inarticulate and stifled. Always。

accompanied with an incapable motion of the head, but with no。

change of face. Always proceeding from a rigid mouth and closed。

teeth, as if the jaw were locked and the face frozen up in pain.。

'Do you remember when he did this?' she proceeded. 'Do you。

remember when, in his inheritance of your nature, and in your。

pampering of his pride and passion, he did this, and disfigured me。

for life? Look at me, marked until I die with his high。

displeasure; and moan and groan for what you made him!'。

'Miss Dartle,' I entreated her. 'For Heaven's sake -'。

'I WILL speak!' she said, turning on me with her lightning eyes. 。

'Be silent, you! Look at me, I say, proud mother of a proud, false。

son! Moan for your nurture of him, moan for your corruption of him,。

moan for your loss of him, moan for mine!'。

She clenched her hand, and trembled through her spare, worn figure,。

as if her passion were killing her by inches.。

'You, resent his self-will!' she exclaimed. 'You, injured by his。

haughty temper! You, who opposed to both, when your hair was grey,。

the qualities which made both when you gave him birth! YOU, who。

from his cradle reared him to be what he was, and stunted what he。

should have been! Are you rewarded, now, for your years of。


'Oh, Miss Dartle, shame! Oh cruel!'。

'I tell you,' she returned, 'I WILL speak to her. No power on。

earth should stop me, while I was standing here! Have I been silent。

all these years, and shall I not speak now? I loved him better。

than you ever loved him!' turning on her fiercely. 'I could have。

loved him, and asked no return. If I had been his wife, I could。

have been the slave of his caprices for a word of love a year. I。

should have been. Who knows it better than I? You were exacting,。

proud, punctilious, selfish. My love would have been devoted -。

would have trod your paltry whimpering under foot!'。

With flashing eyes, she stamped upon the ground as if she actually。

did it.

'Look here!' she said, striking the scar again, with a relentless。

hand. 'When he grew into the better understanding of what he had。

done, he saw it, and repented of it! I could sing to him, and talk。

to him, and show the ardour that I felt in all he did, and attain。

with labour to such knowledge as most interested him; and I。

attracted him. When he was freshest and truest, he loved me. Yes,。

he did! Many a time, when you were put off with a slight word, he。

has taken Me to his heart!'。

She said it with a taunting pride in the midst of her frenzy - for。

it was little less - yet with an eager remembrance of it, in which。

the smouldering embers of a gentler feeling kindled for the moment.。

'I descended - as I might have known I should, but that he。

fascinated me with his boyish courtship - into a doll, a trifle for。

the occupation of an idle hour, to be dropped, and taken up, and。

trifled with, as the inconstant humour took him. When he grew。

weary, I grew weary. As his fancy died out, I would no more have。

tried to strengthen any power I had, than I would have married him。

on his being forced to take me for his wife. We fell away from one。

another without a word. Perhaps you saw it, and were not sorry. 。

Since then, I have been a mere disfigured piece of furniture。

between you both; having no eyes, no ears, no feelings, no。

remembrances. Moan? Moan for what you made him; not for your。

love. I tell you that the time was, when I loved him better than。

you ever did!'

She stood with her bright angry eyes confronting the wide stare,。

and the set face; and softened no more, when the moaning was。

repeated, than if the face had been a picture.。

'Miss Dartle,' said I, 'if you can be so obdurate as not to feel。

for this afflicted mother -'。

'Who feels for me?' she sharply retorted. 'She has sown this. Let。

her moan for the harvest that she reaps today!'。

'And if his faults -' I began.。

'Faults!' she cried, bursting into passionate tears. 'Who dares。

malign him? He had a soul worth millions of the friends to whom he。


'No one can have loved him better, no one can hold him in dearer。

remembrance than I,' I replied. 'I meant to say, if you have no。

compassion for his mother; or if his faults - you have been bitter。

on them -'

'It's false,' she cried, tearing her black hair; 'I loved him!'。

'- if his faults cannot,' I went on, 'be banished from your。

remembrance, in such an hour; look at that figure, even as one you。

have never seen before, and render it some help!'。



读音:英 [ˈpeɪnzteɪkɪŋ]   美 [ˈpeɪnzteɪkɪŋ]。



The event had been planned with painstaking attention to detail.。



读音:英[ˌeɪbaɪəʊ'dʒenɪsɪs] 美[ˌeɪbaɪoʊ'dʒenɪsɪs]。

释义:自然发生,自然发生说; 无生源说。


As the hemodynamic factors have great relationship with aneurismal abiogenesis, it became the hotspot of aneurismal study in the world in recent years.。



读音:英[ˈpeɪpəweɪt] 美[ˈpeɪpərweɪt]。



The room was darkening. He turned over towards the light and lay gazing into the glass paperweight.。




英[ˌnesəˈserəli]  美[ˌnesəˈserəli]。



The unemployment figures are not necessarily related to the rise in prices.。



读音:英[ɪˈfektɪvli]  美[ɪˈfektɪvli]。



The newspapers were effectively muzzled by strict censorship laws.。













声优杏花,声优杏花 缀目日伞

声优杏花,声优杏花 缀目日伞







